Sacred Home: Creating Shelter for Your Soul by Laurine Morrison Meyer — Meyer, an interior designer, presents an overview of Western religious and folk traditions regarding home protection, purification and sanctity; and explains the four archetypal design styles and how to combine them with the reader’s unique style to create a space that is a […]
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Working with nature and permaculture
May 5, 2014
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Working with nature and permaculture by Greg Peterson — Have you ever wondered why, as human beings, we so consistently resist nature? Why, when we don’t like the natural order of things, do we try to change them to fit our perception of what is best? I have pondered this enigma for many years, but […]
Is your home making you sick?
February 17, 2014
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by Sherry Anshara — According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), depression affects one in 10 adults in America. Psychology Today reports that people who experience long-term depression may develop illnesses earlier in life and in more serious forms. When people are depressed, they bring that negative energy into their homes. The low […]
Ways to save water
February 12, 2014
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — The Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona is filled with lush trees, shrubs and wildflowers, even though our annual rainfall is often less than 10 inches. This is because the desert and its plants use water wisely. Those of us who live here must learn to use water wisely, too. The […]
The ancient art of healing with color
January 24, 2014
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by Anita Alexandra — Color is one of the nine basic cures of feng shui and is considered to be among the most mystical and effective of all the cures. Feng shui (pronounced fung schway) is the art of placement and energy flow. In its simplest interpretation, feng shui uses color, shape, texture and placement […]
Good feng shui begins at your front door
June 30, 2013
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by Joy Abrams — The art of feng shui brings together a wonderful mix of good interior design, the Chinese five element theory, Taoist principles of yin and yang based on the I-Ching and ancient folk wisdom from China. At its very core is the belief that all things on the planet are imbued with […]
Books and feng shui
May 7, 2013
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by Joy Abrams — If you are an avid reader and love the adventure and informative nature of books, you likely want to display them. The question so often asked is, “Where should I put all of my books?” The place to put them is on the left side of the entrance to your room […]
Is dirty electricity the culprit?
February 22, 2013
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by Betsy Timmerman — Common symptoms that define fibromyalgia are feeling unrefreshed after sleep and cognitive dysfunction, including impaired memory or concentration and persistent muscle pain. These symptoms are the same ones that people with electrical hypersensitivity experience. Could dirty electricity be magnifying or triggering the symptoms of fibromyalgia? Recent evidence points more conclusively to […]
Feng shui for the living room
February 20, 2013
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by Louis Audet — The best location for a living room is in the front of the home and in view from the front door and foyer. Since it is one of the first rooms seen upon entering, the look and feel should be one of beauty and prosperity. As such, it sets the tone, […]
How to remove kitchen odors
February 18, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — If you have to clean something that has a strong odor, put a bit of Vick’s® VapoRub® under your nose (not inside the nostrils). You will not smell anything else, and its menthol scent will also keep your sinuses clear. Following are some cleaning hints to help you in the […]
Feng shui and the Valley
February 7, 2013
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by Denise A. Liotta — Almost everyone has heard of feng shui, but why do business moguls Steve Wynn and Donald Trump use it? Simple: because it works and it sells. Steve Wynn, the Las Vegas mega-builder, has used a feng shui master from Hong Kong for many years to help him build his hotels […]
The value of stuff in a consumeristic society
January 2, 2013
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by Laura Lofgreen — There is nothing more satisfying than setting a goal and working hard to accomplish it. For example, a teenager wanting that first pair of name-brand jeans realizes it takes a lot of work and dedication to earn the money to purchase them. As a result, wearing them for the first time […]
Success, creativity and good health through Vastu
December 19, 2012
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by Michael and Robin Mastro — Our homes, when carefully oriented, have the power to give us comfort and security and to be one of our best investments. We spend a great deal of time and money to accomplish this, but how do we really know if we are creating a positive and life-supporting place […]
May 16, 2015
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