by Joanne Henning Tedesco — In Arizona, we are now enjoying that short season in our state known as winter. The snowbirds are wearing their shorts and sitting by the pool, but it is very cold for us full-time residents, as our bodies are unaccustomed to the lower temperatures. We need and crave something to […]
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The different degrees of irritable bowel syndrome
March 25, 2013
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — I tend to view irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as having different degrees, ranging from simple to complex. Simple: This type of IBS is associated with some gas and bloating, with episodic diarrhea or constipation. Occasional flare-ups occur, but usually over-the-counter medications can take care of those situations. Middle: This condition […]
Football helmets and automobile accidents
March 25, 2013
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by Dr. Bill Gallagher — All too often, when patients say they were recently in an auto accident and are asked, “How are you?” they reply, “I am fine.” When asked, “How is the car?” the response is, “The car was totaled.” Maybe they have read one too many comic books or maybe they are […]
Learn to harness nature’s abundant pranic energy
March 24, 2013
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by Master Stephen Co — The one pervasive energy that governs the subtle laws throughout the universe and reveals the nature surrounding our lives is known as pranic energy. What is pranic energy? It is commonly known as prana in Sanskrit, chi in Chinese, ki in Japanese and ruach in Hebrew. This energy is the […]
Replacement medicine vs. regenerative medicine
March 24, 2013
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — Far too often, I hear from a patient that he or she was never told that there was an alternative — such as regenerative medicine — to surgery and joint replacement. It is particularly sad when a patient has had replacement medicine and is still in pain. This article […]
Love is in the hair
March 23, 2013
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by Brittany Piracci — Valentine’s Day is certainly a time to think about date-night hair, but what about the rest of the year? What woman does not want to surprise her significant other or new beau with a sexy, new hairstyle that will keep him coming back for more? Begin with the cut and color. […]
Ten ideas to live by
March 23, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Living your best life is all about making the most of what you have right now. Sometimes we need to clean the cobwebs from our thinking to do just that. Here are 10 thoughts to motivate, challenge and encourage you so you can make the most of your life now: Nobody […]
Herbal healing and prevention for the flu
March 22, 2013
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by Kathleen Gould — Did you know that flu shots do not offer protection from all types of flu but only the ones the manufacturers predict will be active this winter? Prevention Building a powerful immune system may be the best way to prevent the flu. Of course, this does not guarantee that you will […]
GE salmon: a precedent-setting approval
March 22, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Despite some 400,000 public comments opposing genetically engineered (GE) salmon, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on December 26, 2012, that it is prepared to give transgenic salmon its final stamp of approval. The FDA issued a positive environmental assessment and a preliminary “finding of no significant impact.” The public […]
Restore hope with Gorse
March 21, 2013
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by Linda Crider — Gorse is a bright yellow flower that was once described by Dr. Edward Bach as “sunshine in a bottle.” Bach included the flower essence made from this hardy botanical in his system of 38 flower remedies. Along with its uplifting color, the gorse plant is an abundantly growing shrub that consistently […]
GMOs and Agent Orange
March 21, 2013
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by Liz Anderson — How is it that huge multinational chemical, pharmaceutical and agricultural corporations of the world can continue to produce genetically modified (GM) crops, without the normally required testing, supervision and impact reports regarding their effects on our health and their potential threat to our food supply and environment? Our Congressmen and health […]
Flu season — what flu season?
March 20, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — It seems like flu is everywhere. People are coughing, blowing and sneezing. Even people who got the flu shot are getting sick. The media claim that this flu season is the worst in years. Hmmm. It seems like we heard that last year too, did we not? Then we are barraged […]
March 26, 2013
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