by Dorothy Krupnick — Holiday food should not be the object of snickering and ridicule. Yet the fruitcake always makes its way onto the scene as the joke of the season. How sad. This holiday treat has nutritional value and is delicious when the appropriate ingredients are used. When we rename it “spice cake,” with […]
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Create holiday traditions with plants
August 28, 2012
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by Doreen Pollack — Plants have long been a part of holiday traditions, and with good reason. They bring enduring beauty into our lives and make excellent gifts that can be enjoyed by almost everyone — not just the gardeners in your life. You may think of holiday plants as the Christmas tree, a hostess […]
How to unstuff that “turkey”
February 28, 2012
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — It is part of the holiday tradition — a family member or friend leans back in his chair, loosens his belt and proclaims with a sigh, “I ate too much.” Does this refrain sound familiar? In fact, the average American consumes 3,000 calories during his holiday meal. That is double […]
Healthy holiday recipes
February 27, 2012
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by Stan Kalson — When planning our holiday meals, tradition often trumps good nutrition. We tend to stick to the old tried-and-true recipes, instead of considering healthier alternatives. Healthy doesn’t have to mean unpalatable, however. Many delicious foods are available for nutritious holiday eating. Below are some healthy recipes to share with family and friends. […]
Feng shui your home for the holidays
February 27, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Feng shui is all about bringing auspicious energy called “chi” to your home and your heart. The holidays are a good time to temporarily add items to your house that are meaningful to you and your family. These items can increase the chi of your home. Start by familiarizing yourself with […]
This holiday … a new perspective
February 27, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — As the holidays approach, this may be the best time for each of us to not only consider what is important in our lives but also to see it as our chance to connect in much deeper ways. We could collectively focus on the ending of the year as the completion […]
Making New Year’s resolutions that stick
February 27, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Effective New Year’s resolutions do not just happen — they require thoughtfulness, planning and commitment. Here are a few tips to ensure that your resolution actually sticks past Valentine’s Day: 1. Create a plan — Setting a goal without formulating a plan is merely wishful thinking. In order for your resolution […]
Why do holidays when you can celebrate them?
February 27, 2012
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by Laura Orsini — There is no question that this promises to be a challenging holiday season for some, given the current state of un- and underemployment in Arizona and around the country. Although we all know intrinsically that the holiday season is not really about material things, it can be daunting to stay positive […]
Halloween safety tips for parents and children
February 25, 2012
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by Brant Rawls — Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays for children. However, as the sun goes down and trick-or-treaters start roaming the streets of your neighborhood, consider several things as a parent or guardian. Potentially hazardous costumes or accessories, tainted candy and crossing the street at night without supervision are only a […]
Tricks for a gluten-free Thanksgiving
February 25, 2012
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by LynnRae Ries — Thanksgiving is a time of sharing fun, family and definitely food, but it can be challenging for those with wheat and gluten allergies. Keep your holidays gluten-free and food-allergy safe by following a few simple guidelines. 1. Start searching early for easy recipes that allow for simple ingredient substitutions. 2. Read […]
Rolfing® — the complete body makeover
February 25, 2012
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by Deanna Melnychuk — The holiday season is upon us, and once again you will be going to parties and meeting new people. Are you concerned about how you look? Improved diet, designer clothes, a fresh haircut and a personal trainer have all enhanced your confidence level, but you still slouch and your back and […]
Food safety rules
February 25, 2012
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by Bill Marler — The holiday season is a good time to remind home cooks about how to make food that will not make guests and family sick with food-borne illness. Many home cooks — even the most seasoned ones — are either unaware of the less obvious food safety rules or break the ones […]
Glad during the holidays — no matter what!
February 25, 2012
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by SARK — The holiday season is here, and with it comes a lot of pressure to be upbeat — even if we do not feel that way. People talk about holiday cheer, finding the silver lining and looking on the bright side, all of which are fine when we feel good, but can actually […]
October 30, 2012
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