by Kristin Cicciarelli — Have you ever planned a simple gathering for friends and family and watched it quickly spiral out of control? Your intentions are good: something simple — just hamburgers and potato salad. Then you remember that Aunt Jenny is a vegetarian and cousin Laurie is allergic to mayonnaise, so you add veggie […]
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Love, wisdom and hurricanes
July 15, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — With Katrina and Rita, two powerful hurricanes, arriving so close together, many people are wondering about storms. What is their meaning for us? More importantly, what good comes from storms and other disasters? Natural disasters have occurred for as long as mankind has been on this planet. They are […]
Soul mate — friend or frenemy?
June 15, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — Much mystique surrounds the idea of a soul mate, especially the delusional notion that a soul mate is the romantic lead in the screenplay of your life. Not that a soul mate cannot be romantic, but more times than not, soul mates come into your life in all kinds of guises. […]
The magic of life — it’s all about love
May 28, 2013
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by Eva-Maria Mora — Many people ask what is my life’s purpose and what am I supposed to be doing? The answer is fairly simple — we are all here to experience love in all its facets, examine it from all sides, and enjoy the bliss, happiness and ecstasy of what love can be. Yet, […]
Reclaiming passion in life
May 18, 2013
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by Robyn Nola — Do you want more passion in your life? Then look to the passion flower to remind you of your passion for life. It is truly an awesome flower to see — a masterpiece of nature’s creation. The detail in this flower exposes its special powers which help resurrect the divine love and […]
Conscious consentience defined
April 26, 2013
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by J. Hamilton — Most people are aware of the Law of Attraction, which says that what we focus on expands. In other words, what we set our sights on, we attract into our lives. Taken one step further, the Law of Attraction says that by a combination of conscious output (i.e., intentional focus combined […]
Giving with love
April 22, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — The essence of giving has to do with sharing the love that you are. Giving occurs on many levels and with many motives, depending on one’s level of consciousness and the situation. Giving is part of everyone’s daily life, much of it occurring unconsciously. Giving has much to do […]
Looking back — what would you change?
April 21, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — We have all said it at one time or another: “If only I had known then what I know now, things would be different.” But would they really? Probably not. You did exactly what you did at that time, because you were not ready to do anything differently. What you did […]
Discarding illusions to find a state of balanced love
April 20, 2013
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by Dr. John Demartini — Imagine you were dating or married to someone who only said, “I think you’re wonderful. You are always right. Can I do anything for you? You are the best there is, and anyone who cannot see that is crazy. You are perfect exactly the way you are.” You might initially […]
Forgotten valentines
April 13, 2013
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by Mary Sanders — Have you ever really thought about Valentine’s Day? We associate the month of February and St. Valentine’s Day with flowers, candy, chocolate and cards. Your may have a personal tradition of finding a special something for your sweetheart. Or, you might be the person who dashes into a convenience store and […]
Surround yourself with love
April 5, 2013
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by Robyn Nola — Roses have always symbolized love. The name of this image is The Rose Quartz Rose. This pink rose reminded me of rose quartz — the stone of unconditional love and compassion. The pink rose helps open our hearts to the divine love awaiting us all. It also stands for compassion, and […]
Lessons from the animals of Katrina
April 4, 2013
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by Kris Lecakes Haley — Every pet guardian can attest to the fact that the animals with whom we share our lives are masterful teachers, providing us with infinite opportunities to explore our own self-truth. Last year, however, we learned that equally poignant wisdom may be shared with us by animals we have never met, […]
Innocence and connection
February 5, 2013
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by Lisa Angelini — On the way to school this morning, my 9-year-old daughter taught me about pure love, and what it means to be truly connected to Mother Earth. She asked if she could cut a rose from our rosebush to give to her teacher. “Absolutely,” I told her, and asked if she would […]
July 20, 2013
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