Healing the hurts by Nancy LaRonda Johnson — You are taking a walk when someone comes your way. The expectation is to stay to the right, in the manner of traffic. The person, however, does not make enough room. She bumps into you and keeps going without apology or acknowledgment. Instantly, anger boils up and […]
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Breaking a dream drought
October 27, 2015
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Breaking a dream drought by Robert Moss — Have you lost touch with your dreams? Are your dreams missing you (in the words of one of a new slew of dream-themed TV commercials)? Is your recall limited to fragments that are lost completely as you hurry off into the business and traffic of the day? […]
Confronting negative feelings
September 19, 2015
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Confronting negative feelings by Marc Allen — When we acknowledge and even confront our negative feelings, we are plunging right into the heart of tantric practice. That is our meditation. And that is what I am inviting you to do — right now. Many people do not dare confront their negative feelings because they feel […]
Emotions versus feelings
September 4, 2015
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Emotions versus feelings by Sherry Anshara — A friend and I recently got into a conversation about emotions and feelings, and whether or not a difference exists between the two. I believe that most of the time feelings and emotions get confused, but they are as different as night and day. Emotions are connected to […]
Teaching mindfulness and compassion in schools
May 12, 2015
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Teaching mindfulness and compassion in schools by Daniel Rechtschaffen — Schools across the globe are turning to mindfulness in the hope that it will be an antidote for the rising stress, emotional dysfunction and attention deficit in their students. Ongoing research reveals that a consistent mindfulness practice can help us to be happier, more focused, […]
The magic of perspective
October 10, 2014
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The magic of perspective by Dr. Alan Christianson — Do your remember your first car? Mine was an ancient Pontiac Bonneville nearly the length of an aircraft carrier. When I bought it, the sticker price was $600, but I had only saved up $500. My father encouraged me to buy it, but I told him […]
A precious gift to give
May 30, 2014
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A precious gift to give by Dawn Fleming — Throughout the year, you may have received and given myriad gifts. Now consider giving yourself the best gift of all — permission to be who you truly are. It is time to stop living on automatic pilot and for the approval of others. Give yourself permission […]
Duped by dopamine
April 7, 2014
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Duped by dopamine by Dr. Shawna Eischens — Do you feel like you are a slave to sugar or notice how your mood is affected by what you consume? Are you having difficulty losing weight even with a regular workout routine and only eating moderate portions? Are you struggling with an addiction? Read on to […]
Living “fearward”
February 17, 2014
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by Dr. Richard Moss — Fear is a sensation that we name according to the situation. If you are standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon, you speak of fear of heights, or acrophobia. If you are in a crowded place, the word is agoraphobia. There are a thousand names for fear, but […]
Is your home making you sick?
February 17, 2014
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by Sherry Anshara — According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), depression affects one in 10 adults in America. Psychology Today reports that people who experience long-term depression may develop illnesses earlier in life and in more serious forms. When people are depressed, they bring that negative energy into their homes. The low […]
Confidence: A skill you can learn
February 16, 2014
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by James S. Payne — Just what is confidence? Confidence is knowing you are going to succeed before you execute a task, regardless of what others may tell you. Mark McGwire, homerun champion, was asked during a national television interview: “What are you doing differently now that has made you so great?” His matter-of-fact response: […]
I am not my schedule!
January 29, 2014
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by Scott Kalechstein — Hi, I’m Scott and I am a recovering workaholic. For the past three months, I have had a fairly quiet calendar. It is not easy, having time and space on my hands. It shines a light on all those places where I do not yet love myself just for being me. […]
Diminishing anger
January 28, 2014
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by Gary Rinebarger — Anger, the intense feeling of displeasure, is the most common negative emotion that people experience. Mentally, an angry person is unable to think rationally or perceive reality. As the intensity of anger increases, a person’s level of objectivity decreases. This is why chronically angry individuals fail in their many attempts at […]
November 29, 2015
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