by Cary Bailen — We are bombarded every day with society’s definition of success — a thin body, lots of money, a high-ranking job, graduating college, achieving the status of a professional athlete or actor, or maybe even touching the moon. These are all successful and important achievements in life; nevertheless, they are of the […]
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Work as a spiritual practice
December 26, 2012
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by Rev. Bonnie Barnard — What would your life be like if church were not a place you went on Sunday, but was instead the way you lived your life? What if you were the sanctuary and your being was the way in which you shared your love, light and joy? And, what if work […]
Forgiveness — the great karma cleanser
December 17, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — When I was a boy, I was quite the troublemaker. I would invite my more demonic friends over for a Saturday afternoon of creative hell-raising, and we would go downstairs into the recreation room. I would tell my parents we were playing Monopoly, or some other innocent activity. We then proceeded […]
Nurture intimate relationships
December 8, 2012
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by Don Mordasini — With greater economic freedom, more couples in mid-life are separating and divorcing rather than working to resolve their relationship problems. Statistics have consistently shown that happily married couples live longer, avoid depression and suffer fewer ailments. This being the case, I find it surprising that very little is written on the […]
Rejuvenation in timeless space
November 26, 2012
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by Eva-Maria Mora — The angels want to invite us to join them in a journey to the ageless space of angelic time. This is a timeless zone we can enter just by taking a deep breath, to experience the moment and escape the wheel of time. Being in this space makes it possible to […]
Do you have an emotional mailbox?
November 20, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — If you do not have a mailbox, where do you receive your mail? If you do not have an “emotional mailbox,” where do you store all the compliments you hear and all the positive feedback you receive about yourself? An emotional mailbox helps keep us balanced and on-track when we are […]
Illuminating the light body with love
October 15, 2012
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by Cassandra Terra Nova — Your light body can expand its “light quotient” throughout your lifespan, whenever you choose to embrace or forgive any aspect of life. This is the simple truth. The more you offer love, in any form, the greater your light body’s capacity to expand. Conversely, if a person lives a constricted […]
The bigger secret
September 26, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — The Secret is out, way out. Those who have been entrenched in feelings of powerlessness are finding their mojo by applying its principles. Yay to the setting of intentions, to the power of positive thinking, and to the wondrous law of attraction! Yay to manifesting a perfect soul mate, to the […]
Can a wedding ceremony be holistic? You betcha!
September 21, 2012
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by Rev. Irene Conlan — As a minister, I have officiated at quite a number of weddings. Each has been beautiful, customized and special. Holistic, though? No. In fact I had never thought of a wedding in terms of being holistic. Then came Erik and Rebecca. They wanted what every bride and groom want — […]
Spontaneous bliss
July 27, 2012
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by Jangchub Tsomo — Spontaneous bliss — this is the experience of practicing Kunlun Nei-gung. It might sound too good to be true, and yet bliss is what people can quickly and easily actualize. Whether someone is sitting peacefully in meditation or having a beer after work, everyone is chasing their bliss. So what is […]
The power of joy
July 10, 2012
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by Kandi and Faith — The Angels want to remind us that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. The very core of who we are is love. As humans, we experience duality, or two basic emotions. Every feeling we experience stems from either love or fear. The feeling of joy stems from […]
The essentials of great sex
February 28, 2012
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by David Roth — If you want to know what really great sex is, ask an expert. And who are these experts? Simply put, they are the people who are having great sex. This is the revolutionary assumption sex therapist Peggy Kleinplatz, Ph.D., a clinical professor at Ottawa University, and her colleagues made when they […]
Seven shortcuts to daily bliss
February 24, 2012
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by Meryl Davids Landau — Sure, the ancient yogis found inner bliss by practicing their yoga poses and sitting on their cushions for hours on end. But we live in the real world — frequently too busy treading water to spare that kind of time. Fortunately, after digesting tons of spiritual books, attending myriad workshops […]
January 6, 2013
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