by Jo Johnston, Ph.D. — The powers of hypnotism, an altered state of consciousness, have fascinated humans since the beginning of time, and were recognized by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese and by native tribes in all parts of the world. The phenomenon we know as hypnosis has been, and still is, called by many […]
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I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress
January 11, 2013
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by Irene Conlan — “I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress,” he said. “I read about it in magazines and the newspaper; they talk about it on the radio and on TV. That’s all they talk about at work. Stress, stress, stress. So what’s the big deal?” He had come for hypnotherapy because he […]
Add some spice to your love life
December 26, 2012
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by Tiffany Richards — For thousands of years, almost every culture has used various methods like fragrance, aroma and incense to enhance libidos, improve sexual performance and put some zip into their love lives. Cleopatra is said to have carpeted her bedroom with rose petals to seduce Marc Anthony. The ancient Romans are credited with […]
Compassionate self-care
December 23, 2012
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by Sandy Jones — In this world, we are busy. We get up, get the kids off to school, get ready for work, drive through traffic, get to the office, step into the business world and work hard. At the end of the day, we come home, take care of everyone’s needs, make dinner and […]
Thought for food
November 30, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — On July 13, 2006, a front-page article in the New York Times caught my eye. The headline read, “Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts to Move a Cursor.” The story described how, after neuroscientists had implanted a small sensor in his brain, a man had learned to use his thoughts and intentions to […]
A Christmas message: Be a true Christ-One
November 29, 2012
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by Paramahansa Yogananda — This is my Christmas Song to you, that by daily meditation you so prepare the cradle of your consciousness that you behold the Infinite Baby Christ laid there anew. During this holy season pray deep and long until every day becomes a true Christmas occasion of divine communion. Spiritualize the social […]
Getting Grounded
November 15, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Being grounded means being real, honest, authentic and present. It is having the ability to see things as they are and get on with life without needless strife or heartache. Many who need grounding are unaware of their need. Here is a short quiz about groundedness: 1. Do you […]
The energetic component of fertility
November 10, 2012
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by Nancy Beauchamp — Some things in life are free. Most things we put our minds to we can accomplish. One very important exception seems to be parenthood. Couples who long for a child but are unable to conceive can be stymied about what to do to accomplish their hearts’ desire. Allopathic medicine proposes many […]
Earth changes as seen through the way of Vastu
November 7, 2012
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by Robin and Michael Mastro — Vastu is the ancient science of creating harmonious environments and comes from a body of knowledge known as the Vedas. This East Indian science is 7,000 to 10,000 years old and forms the basis of feng shui, predating it by at least 4,000 years. Vastu teaches us how to […]
Nine keys for a stress-free pregnancy and childbirth
November 1, 2012
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by Dr. Linda Miles — Pregnancy and childbirth can be very stressful times. The following information can help make this a less stressful, more joyous milestone in your life. 1. Do not let anxiety and stress take a toll — A growing body of research shows that, in some women, anxiety and stress lead to […]
How to align with your higher Self and purpose
October 26, 2012
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by Leslee J. Klinsky — Many people today are running blindly, haphazardly seeking their elusive higher Self and purpose with frustration levels that border on insanity. They are disconnected from life, people or their callings, but do not know what to do about the disconnection. Feeling lost and under the gun, they change directions repeatedly, […]
Earth changes as seen through the way of Vastu
October 23, 2012
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by Robin and Michael Mastro — Vastu is the ancient science of creating harmonious environments and comes from a body of knowledge known as the Vedas. This East Indian science is 7,000 to 10,000 years old and forms the basis of feng shui, predating it by at least 4,000 years. Vastu teaches us how to […]
When what you know does not work for you anymore
October 14, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Did you ever watch one of those TV movies based on actual events? They always post a disclaimer that says the names have been changed to protect the innocent. […]
January 14, 2013
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