by Sandy Jones — Many of us, at times, get lost in the quagmire of life and feel bumped around and victimized. We think we have no control, no power, no peace. We feel rushed and stressed. During those times, remember that energy follows thought; therefore, we create what we experience with our every thought. […]
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Presence Therapy — Using spiritual practices for psychological healing
March 7, 2013
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by James Westly — Presence Therapy is a new direction in psychotherapy that utilizes spiritual practices. The approach facilitates a fundamental shift in consciousness from the mind’s past/future orientation to focusing its attention entirely on the present moment. Most of us believe our minds to be the source of our identity. However, many spiritual practices […]
Forgiveness: The key to an empowered life
March 2, 2013
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by Tammy Holmes — A Course in Miracles defines the term “forgive” as meaning “to let go.” Forgiveness enables one to move forward and live an empowered life. To forgive is equal to claiming freedom — the freedom to be who we are and to live the life we were meant to live. To forgive […]
How green can you glow?
February 21, 2013
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by Nonnie Knight and Lacey Grace — A green girl has got to know a few tips and tricks about beauty care and damage prevention during the frostbitten months to come. In order to have natural radiance, you need to think internally first. How green can you glow during this holiday season? Sometimes you need […]
Priorities for peace of mind
February 13, 2013
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by Ada Porat — The busier our lives become, the more important it is to have crystal-clear priorities in order to stay on track. Clear priorities require an understanding that our source of happiness and fulfillment comes not from the world around us, but from the animating spark of divinity within each of us. Even […]
Journals, journals, journals
January 28, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Sharing the experience of keeping a journal or diary is a wonderful way to understand how someone else has benefited from the power of journaling. Reading about someone’s journaling experience reveals what journaling has meant to them, the results it has provided, and what they have learned about themselves or the […]
Appreciation and love for nature
January 14, 2013
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by Robyn Nola — When did you last take the time to appreciate a tree, or even a leaf? With just a quick walk outside, you’ll begin to notice how much healing from nature surrounds us everyday. Mother Nature has so many healing gifts for us. Soak in and appreciate all the magnificence that is […]
Life is never what you think it is
January 10, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — There has never been a statement that rings truer than “Life is never what you think it is.” Yet, thinking offers such a limited view of life. As a child, you are taught to think. As an adult, you are told to think more, still. Is it a wonder so many […]
Compassionate self-care
December 23, 2012
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by Sandy Jones — In this world, we are busy. We get up, get the kids off to school, get ready for work, drive through traffic, get to the office, step into the business world and work hard. At the end of the day, we come home, take care of everyone’s needs, make dinner and […]
From the personal to the powerful
December 22, 2012
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by John English — There are several points along the spiritual journey of life that present magnificent opportunities for greater levels of growth and peace. Of all of these opportunities, one of the most important is often referred to as not taking things personally. Sooner or later, we realize that if we don’t take things […]
Morning people are happier
December 7, 2012
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by Cathy Beggan — A new study from the University of Toronto suggests what many people have suspected all along: Morning risers are happier than their late-night counterparts and have a more positive and upbeat outlook. The results took into account the habits of two groups — young adults and older adults — and identified […]
Thought for food
November 30, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — On July 13, 2006, a front-page article in the New York Times caught my eye. The headline read, “Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts to Move a Cursor.” The story described how, after neuroscientists had implanted a small sensor in his brain, a man had learned to use his thoughts and intentions to […]
Are you a psychic empath?
November 27, 2012
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by Leslee J. Klinsky — Do you ever feel overwhelmed by emotions when you are at a restaurant, movie, party or in a crowd? Does your mood ever change when you are around certain people? Do you ever feel a sudden energy drain when you are around someone in particular? Do you ever feel the […]
March 10, 2013
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