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The mysteries of TMJ and what to do about it

September 21, 2012

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by Becky Coffield —  Mention TMJ and almost everyone either knows someone who has the disorder, or they have it themselves. Despite the millions of people who suffer from TMJD (temporomandibular jaw disorder), there really is only educated speculation as to its causes. Even less is known about its cure. The temporomandibular joints are small, […]

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Using the inner adult to make lasting life changes

September 20, 2012

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by Ada Porat —  We all dream of improving our lives — and most often we want to see results, now! This makes us vulnerable to schemes that promise weight loss without proper diet or exercise, or that we can become millionaires while working only a few hours a day. Why are we susceptible to […]

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Blocks, detours and reversals

September 19, 2012

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by Linda Williams —  As you speed along in your day-to-day life, are you usually running down to the wire for whatever commitment you are trying to meet? If you hit construction traffic, roadblocks or detours, do you feel your stress level rising? You may think, “If only I had left earlier.” Perhaps you make […]

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Ai Chi — A symphony for the mind, body and spirit

September 17, 2012

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by Jane Copper —  Ai Chi, a simple water exercise and relaxation program, is performed using a combination of deep breathing and slow, broad movements of the arms, legs and torso in a flowing yet powerful progression. Ruth Sova, author and founder of the Aquatic Therapy Rehab Institute, says, “Ai Chi, flowing aquatic energy, is […]

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Laugh your way to better health

September 16, 2012

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by Kathy Balland —  Want to know a fun way to improve your health? Try a little laughter. Studies have shown that laughter has many medical and psychological benefits. Here are 10 of those benefits: 1. Weight management: Laughing 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn an extra 40 calories. 2. Anti-aging: Laughter can […]

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Inside the Internet impulse

September 16, 2012

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by Laura Orsini —  Much is being made these days about the proliferation of Internet porn, and the destruction left in its wake. But who needs porn? For an information junkie, the whole Internet can be as addicting as pornography or any hard drug. And we are not referring to things like e-mail, IM, games, […]

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Packing for the journey to happiness, fulfillment, potential and greatness

September 15, 2012

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by Valerie Fink Sierra —  Life has finally worn you out. It is time for a little vacation; time to get away from all the stress, challenges, heartaches, conflicts, disappointments and overall disarray of your life. The decision is made, and it is time to journey toward your desired destination of happiness, fulfillment, potential and […]

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Hmmm … a sound tool for healing

September 12, 2012

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by Khayriyyah Savannah —  Remember when you were a child and your mother’s soft voice could calm any upset; or the gentle humming sound your father made while holding you, that could lull you to sleep? Our true natures respond to sound. Since ancient times, musical instruments have been used in healing. Rattles and chimes […]

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Honey, have you seen my keys?

September 12, 2012

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by Dr. Martha Grout —  Do you often forget where you put your car keys? How about the names of people you’ve met, or the next point in that presentation you’re making? Welcome to classic symptoms of short-term memory loss, one of the first brain functions to go as we age. Just as muscles need […]

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Stress: A cause of adrenal fatigue?

September 11, 2012

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by Dr. Sarv Varta K. Khalsa —  Adrenal fatigue is one of the most common and under-diagnosed health conditions in modern society. We live fast-paced lives with busy schedules that don’t allow much time for rest and relaxation. Just the stress of daily responsibilities can eventually take its toll. Our adrenal glands play a key […]

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Healing Cancer Naturally

September 10, 2012

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by Dr. Larry Wilson —  This is not an article about cancer; it is a guide for healing cancer using alternative methods. Thousands have recovered from cancer with the two methods described below, both of which have been available for more than 30 years. Protocel Protocel is an excellent, simple and cost-effective chemical formula that […]

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The seven habits of highly dramatic people

September 10, 2012

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by Scott Kalechstein —  Do gratitude, contentment and inner peace sometimes creep up on you and undermine your ability to indulge your anxiety? Here’s a quick and handy two-step process to make sure you get your M.D.R. (minimum daily requirements) of worry and chaos. Step One: Believe and act like your safety, security and happiness […]

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Sugilite: A stone of dreams

September 10, 2012

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by Karyn Diane Kish —  Sugilite is a rare potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminum silicate mineral. It is a very beautiful stone that ranges between 6 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, with colors ranging from violet-pink to a deep purple. It crystallizes in the form of lightly banded masses, and occasionally […]

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