by Dr. Larry Wilson — Detoxification is the removal of waste matter from the body. Most of the waste matter is comprised of toxic chemicals and toxic metals, although other kinds of toxins are also eliminated. Detoxification is a critical bodily function that occurs 24 hours a day. You would soon die if anything went […]
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The different degrees of irritable bowel syndrome
March 25, 2013
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — I tend to view irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as having different degrees, ranging from simple to complex. Simple: This type of IBS is associated with some gas and bloating, with episodic diarrhea or constipation. Occasional flare-ups occur, but usually over-the-counter medications can take care of those situations. Middle: This condition […]
How hypnosis can help with childbirth
January 25, 2013
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by Sara L. Payne — The fear of a painful childbirth that most women face today started long ago with the “Curse of Eve.” This belief that labor must be a painful experience has become embedded in many cultures — particularly in the Western world — across the centuries. But contrary to centuries of cultural […]
Treating infertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine and pelvic exercises
January 22, 2013
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by Dasha Trebichavsk — Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) employs a broad spectrum of treatment modalities including herbs, acupuncture and bodywork, as well as dietary and lifestyle adjustments. One of its least commonly advertised uses is in the field of infertility. Successful treatment of infertility dates back in China to the Sui Dynasty (589 CE). Chinese […]
Acupuncture and fertility
December 30, 2012
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by Sima Aidun — There are many different ways to reach a single goal. Both Chinese and Western medicine have accomplished great feats over the last century, treating numerous diseases, saving thousands of lives and improving the quality of life for others. By utilizing the best these two worlds have to offer, it is possible […]
The energetic component of fertility
November 10, 2012
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by Nancy Beauchamp — Some things in life are free. Most things we put our minds to we can accomplish. One very important exception seems to be parenthood. Couples who long for a child but are unable to conceive can be stymied about what to do to accomplish their hearts’ desire. Allopathic medicine proposes many […]
Vitamins Yes, Drugs No
November 6, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Few subjects are as controversial as the value of food supplements. I used to believe, as physicians are trained to believe, that most food supplements are rarely needed, especially if one eats well. However, after extensive reading, personal experience and reports from thousands of patients, I am convinced of the […]
Nine keys for a stress-free pregnancy and childbirth
November 1, 2012
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by Dr. Linda Miles — Pregnancy and childbirth can be very stressful times. The following information can help make this a less stressful, more joyous milestone in your life. 1. Do not let anxiety and stress take a toll — A growing body of research shows that, in some women, anxiety and stress lead to […]
Chiropractic care during pregnancy
October 25, 2012
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by Dr. Dawn Tames — Would you like to make your pregnancy and delivery more comfortable? Chiropractic care can help. It is a natural, drug-free, safe method of care, even for pregnant women. A doctor of chiropractic is thoroughly trained to understand the mechanical and neuromuscular changes that occur during the nine months of pregnancy, […]
Pregnant women urged to reconsider using pain meds
October 1, 2012
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by Dr. James Bogash It is no secret that taking medications during pregnancy is risky. The dangers of pain relievers to a developing baby are well known. For years, the most widely recommended over-the-counter pain reliever has been Tylenol®. Newly published research suggests that as much as 7 percent of childhood asthma may be linked […]
How to find relief from hemorrhoids
October 1, 2012
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — More than 30 million people in this country are asking, “How do I get rid of my hemorrhoids?” Two different types of hemorrhoids, external and internal, are the source of great aggravation for many. Both come with varying signs, symptoms and degrees of severity. Hemorrhoids can result from several different […]
FDA admits mercury fillings may be unsafe
September 7, 2012
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In a dramatic reversal, the FDA has modified its long-standing assertion that mercury in dental fillings is completely harmless. This comes in the wake of a class-action lawsuit settlement in June 2008. Amalgam fillings have a silver color and are about 50 percent mercury. They release toxic mercury vapors into the mouth which are absorbed […]
Acupuncture: Cost-effective health care for today
August 26, 2012
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by Kim Blankenship — At a time when health care expenses are taking a larger bite out of most household budgets, many people are looking for affordable alternatives to conventional care. A study released by the National Academy of Sciences in 2005 found that more than one third of American adults report using some form […]
April 2, 2013
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