It is never too late to rid ourselves of the things which no longer serve us or to set an intention to create what we want to bring into our lives any day of the year.
by Kymla Eubanks —
Many of us begin the new year by making resolutions to improve our physical health, clean out that closet full of clothes we never wear or become more organized. More than halfway through the year, how are these intentions going? It is never too late to rid ourselves of the things which no longer serve us or to set an intention to create what we want to bring into our lives any day of the year.
Each of us holds the key to creating our own abundance through conscious intention. Without intention, our unconscious mind can only refer back to old patterns or programs that keep repeating day after day, year after year. These programs run like old tapes, only serving to constantly remind us that we can’t ask for what we want because we aren’t worthy of prosperity and true happiness. One way to change this negative outlook and feeling of unworthiness is through reminders, affirmations that reaffirm we are worthy of all of the abundance and prosperity the universe has to offer.
Affirmations, or statements which reflect our true intent, can help us identify the blocks in our unconscious mind and eventually reshape and create a new outlook on life.
Here are a few affirmations to consider:
- I am open to receiving the blessings of the universe.
- I know that all my needs are met, now and always.
- Universal supply is constantly flowing and endless.
- All things flow to me abundantly, now.
We can take these broad affirmations and tailor them to address our specific financial, career, relationship and personal goals. By creating a few statements of our own and mentally repeating them over and over, we create a new program with intent to welcome more abundance and prosperity into our lives.
Kymla Eubanks is a board-certified music therapist who assists children with special needs and their families via music therapy, Reiki, intuitive angel readings, and chakra cleansing, balancing and integration. [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 4, August/September 2006.
December 25, 2012
Career and employment, Clutter and decluttering, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Lifestyle, Money and Financial, Relationships, Self-improvement