The first steps to reduce pain are to activate your lymphatic system and balance your pH level in order to improve your circulation.
by John Ossipinsky —
You can decrease or even eliminate pain by creating a healthy flowing lymphatic system and a balanced internal pH (the acid or alkaline level of the body). The lymphatic system helps complete the circulation of blood, and acts as your body’s sewage treatment plant. It plays a major role in helping you de-stress, sleep better and build your immune system.
When the body is overly acidic, the lymphatic system is not able to function efficiently, which means that cellular waste, toxins and excess proteins, such as fibrin, can build up in your tissues. As these toxins increase, you can become tired, tight and sick.
The lymphatic system is connected to and helps maintain every system in the body, and plays a role in every disease. This is the new science of health and how to overcome disease. This new science is key to eliminating pain and associated problems like stress, anxiety and insomnia.
Pain can affect us in many different ways: from headaches and migraines, to back pain, neck pain or nerve pain, like sciatica. Some of us experience numb or tingling limbs or nerves that feel as if they are on fire. Many individuals suffer with pain throughout their bodies, where the slightest touch can elicit severe discomfort. Most of this pain is due to acid waste building in the tissues or organs.
When we are in pain, we generally do not ask ourselves what is causing the pain — we just want it to be gone. The only way to finally gain control over your health issues, as well as your pain, is to understand a root component of the pain. The underlying problem is limited circulation.
This lack of circulation causes tissue acidosis in the affected area of the injury or surgery. In tissue acidosis, the injury site, or the organ, has become overly acidic and constricted. When an area of the body becomes damaged, the body works to repair the injury site itself — with fibrin.
This damage may be due to trauma, surgery, dehydration, some medications, an overly acidic diet or even inactivity. The affected area becomes filled with fibrin and parts of damaged cells that, in their decomposition, create damaging acid waste.
The lymphatic system is a network of tiny vessels and nodes (some may be as thin as a hair). This network helps a small portion of blood and large proteins (like fibrin and parts of damaged cells) to return to the heart and blood circulation. Think of the lymphatic system as a plumbing system that removes waste from the body.
When the tissues of the body become even slightly acidic, the lymphatic system can constrict and limit circulation in the area. This can lead to sclerosis or fibrosis, which is the scarring of a tissue or organ. Many of our illnesses, such as heart or kidney disease, result from scarring that can limit circulation and function of the organ.
There is no doubt that the current problem regarding acid is evident in the world today. Every year, more than $10 billion is spent worldwide on antacids. We are so accustomed or desensitized to people having acid and stomach problems that we see the acid as an inconvenience to our digestive system, rather than as an attack on our tissues, and causing our pain, which is slowly killing us.
This over-acidity causes fluid congestion throughout the body, which limits circulation through our tissues and around our cells. Limited circulation creates excess fluid, as well as a buildup of acidic waste and proteins that can damage cells and lead to disease.
Most people are unknowingly slightly acidic due to excess acid foods, stress, dehydration and inactivity, but have no outward visible signs of this condition. Silently, the acid waste damages our tissues and health, causing us great pain.
The first steps to reduce pain are to activate your lymphatic system and balance your pH in order to improve your circulation. These steps help improve circulation and the detoxification of acid waste, damaged cells and fibrin, which in turn will reduce pain and improve sleep.
You can do a few simple things to help improve lymph flow in the body. For example, just being well-hydrated with alkaline water and practicing deep breathing throughout the day will lead to improvements. Daily exercise, stretching and a more alkaline diet (consisting of more fruits and vegetables) will also enhance lymph flow.
One of the best ways to activate the lymphatic system is with lymph drainage therapy or lymphatic cellular detox massage. Both are gentle manual therapies that specifically activate the lymphatic system.
When lymph flow is increased, it is similar to releasing water from a dam. The increased fluid flow through the tissues begins to remove accumulated debris and acidic waste. If you cannot find a lymph drainage therapist in your area, try regular massage. Although massage is not as effective as lymph drainage therapy, it can help reduce waste in your body.
John Ossipinsky is a lymph activation therapist, lymphatic system/pH researcher, retired New York City firefighter and author of An Undetected Acid-Alkaline Imbalance, which explains how acid is more than just a digestive problem. 602-628-0070, johno@lymphman.com or www.LymphMan.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 5, Oct/Nov 2010.
February 25, 2012
Health, Inflammation, Natural therapies, Pain