Most disease starts in the colon, and if we ignore it or mask the symptoms by taking drugs, it will spread. Listen to your “gut feelings;” your body is trying to get your attention.
by Dee Munsterman —
The other day I was having breakfast at Wildflower Bakery where I witnessed a 3 year old and his dad return to their table after having visited the bathroom. The mom asked: “Did you go poo poo?” The little boy happily exclaimed, “Yes!” Mom high-fived him and they all proceeded to eat their breakfast.
I could not help myself, so I leaned over and said, “I do that for adults.” They looked confused as I tried to explain that I am a colon hydrotherapist, a.k.a., poop coach, and I help people …. Oh, never mind. Just like you may be feeling as you read this article, they got uncomfortable. So, I excused myself.
I am not sure if it is our puritanical roots or the fact that more money can be made by prescribing drugs than giving colonics, but for whatever reason, we do not like talking about our bowels or colon cleansing, even though the majority of visits to family physicians in America are for gastrointestinal disorders.
In Germany, the toilets are designed with a “viewing shelf.” If you are sick and go to a hospital in Russia, as well as in many other European countries, the first thing they do is give you a colonic.
It used to be that way in the United States back in the 1930s and 1940s until pharmaceutical companies started coming out with drugs like ex-lax® in the 1950s — and the colonic equipment went into the toilet, literally.
Chiropractic offices used to offer colonics because they knew if the colon was cleansed first, their adjustments would hold. I have had clients who told me their low back pain and scoliosis have been improved or reversed just by getting the impacted fecal matter out of the way.
I love my job. In addition to talking about poop and educating people about colon health, I provide a service, which in a matter of 45 minutes to an hour makes people feel exceptionally better than when they walked in. In some cases, it can even be lifesaving. Every time you have a satisfying bowel movement you should say a prayer of gratitude for your body and the amazing miracle that it is.
A 31-year-old man recently told me: “I’ve been to war, been shot, had both shoulders operated on and I have never been in as much pain as I have the past two days trying to have a bowel movement.” Another client told me that “coming in every couple of weeks to have you give my colon a warm shower sure beats the two days I spent in the ER trying to pass that ‘food baby.’”
Constipation is not the only reason to have a colonic. Chronic diarrhea can also be a sign that the pockets in the colon, called haustra, are impacted and there is just enough room for the liquid feces, called chyme, to pass through. The colon’s main function is to absorb water, and when it is impacted, you can be drinking plenty of water and still be dehydrated because the surface area for absorption is not available and the liquid is just passing through. Feeling bloated, tired and irritable are all signs that the microfloras in your gut is out of balance, i.e., you have more bad than good bacteria, and that your colon is in need of a cleanse.
Another reason people come to see me is for prevention and detoxing. These are people who are taking their health into their own hands instead of waiting for a diagnosis. Signs that it is time to do a cleanse are feeling sluggish, having bad breath, body odor, smelly gas, acne, a coated tongue or plaque on your teeth. Most people have their teeth cleaned a couple of times a year. The plaque that builds up at the start of the digestive tract, due to our diets, does not lessen by the time you get to the other end.
Most disease starts in the colon, and if we ignore it or mask the symptoms by taking drugs, it will spread. Listen to your “gut feelings;” your body is trying to get your attention. If we had more brown ribbons around town, we would need a lot fewer pink ones.
There is a popular kid’s book entitled Everybody Poops. Yet apparently, once we pass the age of 5, we are not supposed to talk about this bodily function. However, until, God willing, we reach the ripe old age of 80 or 90, this is apparently all that we talk about. Well, the jig is up — it is time we get over our embarrassment, realize we have nothing to be ashamed about, and let us all high-five each other the next time we have a good BM. Be proud, you are human and your body is working. It is going to be a great day.
Dee Munsterman, owner of Dee Munsterman Colon Hydrotherapy LLC, has degrees in both biology and metaphysics. She is a colon hydrotherapist, public speaker, entrepreneur, life coach, former personal trainer and classroom teacher. phoenixcolonhydrotherapy.com or 480-689-7744.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 2, April/May 2013.
April 22, 2013
April/May 2013 Issue, Back pain, Constipation, Dental, Detox, Health, Natural therapies