Hypnosis is a powerfully effective adjunct to complementary medicine and therapies. This modality targets the area of the mind that stores our habits and beliefs — namely, the subconscious.
by Sara L. Payne —
A holistic approach to optimal health would not be complete if we did not recognize the role our habitual thought patterns and beliefs play in our lives.
We are indeed creatures of habit, and often continue to unconsciously indulge in self-sabotaging thoughts, affirmations and behavior patterns which can lead to ill health and disease. Because our thoughts become things, we tend to become what we think about repetitively, unwittingly moving in the direction of our most dominant thoughts, whether they are positive or negative. Unfortunately, for most people, their dominating thoughts are negative.
We may not know how to make the changes necessary to create a lifetime of healthier habits — but change we must, if we desire different results.
Hypnosis is a powerfully effective adjunct to complementary medicine and therapies. This modality targets the area of the mind that stores our habits and beliefs — namely, the subconscious. Accessing this part of the mind is essential if we are to achieve and maintain optimal health. Hypnotherapy can uncover patterns that keep us stuck and help formulate new ones for a lifetime of wellness. Practicing self-hypnosis can significantly reduce chronic pain, as well as the effects of toxic stress on our bodies, helping ease us back into balance.
Hypnosis can help us develop the right mental attitude, a fundamental aspect for achieving success in any area of our lives. When you change your mind, you change your world.
Sara Payne is a certified hypnotherapist, empowerment coach and hypnotherapy for childbirth instructor. She presents stress-management, self-hypnosis and creative living workshops. www.trueharmonywellness.com
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 4, August/September 2005.
October 31, 2013
Hypnosis, Natural medicine and Natural Therapies, Stress