In his Soul Power Series, Master Sha, a world-renowned master healer and Divine Tao and Source channel, teaches a simple universal truth: “Karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect of life.”
by Master Ximena Gavino —
Millions of people are searching for knowledge, wisdom and practices to transform their physical and spiritual journeys. Everyone wishes to be happier, healthier, rejuvenated and successful in every aspect of life, including relationships and finances. Thousands of books, articles, seminars and workshops teach methods for accomplishing this.
By the time I met Master Zhi Gang Sha in 2001, I had attended hundreds of seminars and tried numerous techniques. Many helped relieve my pain and suffering, but it was not until I heard Master Sha’s teachings about karma, forgiveness and service that my life began to truly change.
In his Soul Power Series, Master Sha, a world-renowned master healer and Divine Tao and Source channel, teaches a simple universal truth: “Karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect of life.”
He explains further, “Karma can be divided into good karma and bad karma. Good karma is the record of your good services in your current life and all of your past lives. Good karma includes love, care, compassion, sincerity, honesty, generosity, kindness, purity and other kinds of good service. Bad karma is the record of your unpleasant services, such as killing, taking advantage, cheating, stealing and all other kinds of unpleasant service, in all of your lifetimes. Karma cleansing is a ‘must’ step for transforming every aspect of life.”
In each of his workshops, seminars, Soul Healing evenings and retreats, Master Sha teaches attendees to self-clear their karma through service and a daily forgiveness practice, in which they ask for and offer forgiveness to all souls in all lifetimes and universes. I learned that, unlike the many other forgiveness practices I had tried, the Universal Forgiveness Invocation, which occurs at the soul level, actually helps me self-clear my karmic debt from this and all lifetimes. The Universal Forgiveness Invocation is given here in the above box, and can also be found in Master Sha’s book, Divine Transformation.
Universal Forgiveness Invocation
“Dear all souls whom my ancestors and I have hurt or harmed in all of our lifetimes, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. Please forgive my ancestors and me for our mistakes of harming you. I sincerely apologize. I cannot honor you enough.
“Dear all souls who have harmed me in any of my lifetimes, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. I forgive you completely and unconditionally. Please accept my forgiveness. Thank you.”
Master Sha combines the forgiveness practice with a simple but life-transforming mantra, the Divine Soul song — Love, Peace and Harmony. Chant it every day for 15 minutes immediately after the forgiveness invocation.
Love, Peace and Harmony
“I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony
Love, peace and harmony”
This sacred mantra and soul song, which was given to Master Sha by the Divine, launched a global movement. Since 2010, hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world chant it for 15 minutes on a daily basis, and many have shared their stories of powerful transformation, as well as life-saving situations.
For three years, I have diligently practiced the Universal Forgiveness Invocation and chanted Love, Peace and Harmony for 15 minutes to an hour every day, sometimes several times a day. Within two weeks of starting the practice, I noticed a significant change in my interactions with people.
I can truthfully say there has been a dramatic change in my relationships with loved ones, friends and total strangers. It is now a rare day that someone is unkind or even impolite to me. If that occurs, it is a sure sign that I have skipped the practice for a day or two and need to reinstate it immediately.
Self-clearing our karma takes years of dedicated and sincere practice. For those who are unable to wait or are impatient when it comes to transforming their challenges, Master Sha offers Divine karma cleansing. As a Divine channel, he has the authority to issue a Divine order for karma cleansing to repay your karmic debt. This service will be offered at workshops and retreats only through 2013.
Join Master Sha, September 10-15, 2013, for several Soul Healing events at the Marriott Union Square in San Francisco. Call 415-971-7373 for details.
Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is a world-renowned master healer, soul leader and a Divine servant of humanity. Trained as a conventional medical doctor and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, he is the founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment™ and the Love Peace Harmony Movement™. He is also a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi, qigong, feng shui and the I-Ching. He was Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong and honored in 2006 with the prestigious Martin Luther King, Jr., Commemorative Commission Award for humanitarianism.
Master Sha is the author of 10 New York Times bestsellers, including Divine Healing Hands. His books, DVDs and CDs reveal soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practical techniques to transform every aspect of life. Visit www.DrSha.com and receive free daily blessings and teachings via webcasts, teleconferences and in person at events held throughout the world. “Like” Master Sha’s page at www.facebook.com/ DrandMasterSha.
Master Ximena Gavino is a Divine channel and worldwide representative of Master Sha. She is a powerful soul healer, soul teacher and soul communicator with an open third eye and access to the Akashic Records. She is also authorized to offer Divine karma cleansing and many other Divine services. After studying 12 years with Master Sha, she was chosen as a Divine channel and worldwide representative in 2011. Master Ximena, the director of Master Sha’s Soul Healing Center in San Francisco, travels frequently to Phoenix to lead workshops and offer personal consultations. 415-971-7373 or www.DrSha.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 4, August/September 2013.
August 12, 2013
August/September 2013 Issue, Metaphysical, Relationships, Spiritual