Primal Nutrition: Paleolithic and Ancestral Diets for Optimal Health

Given the foods we evolved to thrive on — foods our ancestors knew well — the body can naturally prevent and overcome a host of degenerative conditions and chronic illnesses, from allergies, eczema and arthritis to dental caries, heart attack, and even cancer.
by Ron Schmid, N.D. —
The human body’s innate mechanisms for healing and immunity extend beyond the mending of cuts and broken bones or recovery from colds and flu.
Given the foods we evolved to thrive on — foods our ancestors knew well — the body can naturally prevent and overcome a host of degenerative conditions and chronic illnesses, from allergies, eczema and arthritis to dental caries, heart attack, and even cancer.
Drawing on the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, Dr. Francis Pottenger and other nutritional health pioneers, Schmid demonstrates that the strongest and most disease-resistant indigenous cultures around the world lived on whole, natural foods — seafood, wild game, healthy grass-fed domestic animals and, in some cases, whole grains and raw dairy.
He explores how modern refined diets differ from ancestral ones, the dramatic declines in health seen in indigenous cultures that adopt modern diets, and the steps you can take to build health with traditional foods.
He observes that the foods considered essential and sacred in native cultures were invariably animal-source foods.
Blending the wisdom of traditional eating patterns with modern scientific knowledge, Schmid explains how to apply these principles to create your own common sense primal diet tailored to your specific needs to rebuild health and improve longevity.
$19.95 — Healing Arts Press, One Park St., Rochester, VT 05767.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 6, December 2015/January 2016.
December 31, 2015
Book review, December/January 2016 Issue, Nutrition