The lymphatic system helps to maintain every system in your body. If you learn how to activate and maintain it, you can lower your risk of disease and age more gracefully.
by John Ossipinsky —
Slowing or reversing aging is a hot topic among baby boomers. We all want to look better, have more energy, experience less pain and sleep more soundly, just as when we were younger. In his book, Reverse Aging published in 1990, Zang Whang writes that accumulated acid waste is what ages our bodies. When you take steps to eliminate this accumulated waste, you lessen or reverse many of the symptoms of aging. One of the best and simplest ways to improve detoxification of acid waste from your body is to activate the lymphatic system — your body’s sewage treatment plant.
The lymphatic system helps to maintain every system in your body. If you learn how to activate and maintain it, you can lower your risk of disease and age more gracefully. Think of the lymphatic system as a tiny plumbing system, a network of vessels and nodes (some lymph vessels may be as thin as a hair) meant to move acidic waste (dead cells and fibrin) out of the tissues and organs of the body. The lymph vessels pick up a small portion of blood, acidic waste, large proteins, cholesterol, hormones and other waste and return them to the heart to rejoin the blood to be recirculated through the skin, muscles, bones, organs, nerves and brain.
Unfortunately, your lymphatic system can be compromised by an overly acidic diet (an excess of animal or soy protein, white flour and sugar), particularly if you are overstressed, dehydrated and not moving enough. Even some medications like antihistamines can make you more acidic. When your lymphatic system is alkaline and working optimally to remove acid waste, your body functions more efficiently and you feel relaxed, less congested and more alive.
For the next two or three weeks, pick three days in the week to make simple lifestyle changes. Eat fewer processed foods and more fresh vegetables and fruit. Drink more alkaline water, enjoy an Epsom salt or baking soda bath, take two deep breaths often throughout the day and do some aerobic exercise, even for just 15 to 30 minutes.
In a few weeks, you will notice a tremendous difference in how you feel, both mentally and physically, from these ongoing mini-detoxifications.
One of the most efficient ways to activate the lymphatic system is with a few sessions of lymph drainage therapy (LDT) or lymphatic cellular detox massage. Both are gentle manual therapies that specifically activate the lymphatic system to promote circulation and improved detoxification of acid waste.
Combine a few manual lymphatic sessions with the improved lifestyle choices mentioned above and you will experience a very powerful lymphatic detoxification that will slow the aging process, and improve the immune system and many of your health problems.
John Ossipinsky is a lymph-activation therapist, lymphatic system/pH researcher, retired New York City firefighter and author of An Undetected Acid-Alkaline Imbalance. 602-628-0070, [email protected] or www.HealthyLymphSystem.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2011.
February 24, 2012
Anti-aging, Bodywork, Detox, Diet, Natural therapies