by Jennifer Schaecher — There has been lots of talk lately about yoga and its myriad benefits. Strength, flexibility, balance, relaxation and energy — you can experience all of them through the practice of yoga. But, you can get even more out of it if you invite the kids to participate, too. A few schools […]
Tag Archives: balance
Exercise — a fountain of youth for aging bodies
May 6, 2013
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by Brenda McDermott — Talk to any group of older people and chances are you will often hear a long list of stories about bodies that, once young and strong, are now betraying their owners. Many who are less healthy than they once were may even be facing a loss of independence. The bottom line […]
Ten ideas to live by
March 23, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Living your best life is all about making the most of what you have right now. Sometimes we need to clean the cobwebs from our thinking to do just that. Here are 10 thoughts to motivate, challenge and encourage you so you can make the most of your life now: Nobody […]
Earth changes as seen through the way of Vastu
October 23, 2012
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by Robin and Michael Mastro — Vastu is the ancient science of creating harmonious environments and comes from a body of knowledge known as the Vedas. This East Indian science is 7,000 to 10,000 years old and forms the basis of feng shui, predating it by at least 4,000 years. Vastu teaches us how to […]
Elevate your sport performance
October 16, 2012
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by Laurie Breeden — In sports competitions, having the edge means winning. Integrated Movement eXercize (IM=X) is a cross-training system that integrates resistance and cardiovascular training into Pilates moves, and can help you win. It is designed to increase flexibility, endurance and muscle tone while strengthening the spine and abdominal core. The regimen complements traditional […]
Ai Chi — A symphony for the mind, body and spirit
September 17, 2012
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by Jane Copper — Ai Chi, a simple water exercise and relaxation program, is performed using a combination of deep breathing and slow, broad movements of the arms, legs and torso in a flowing yet powerful progression. Ruth Sova, author and founder of the Aquatic Therapy Rehab Institute, says, “Ai Chi, flowing aquatic energy, is […]
The flow of your life and the seasons
September 15, 2012
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by John English — We can achieve a great deal of peace and natural order in our lives if we follow the rhythm of nature, which includes the seasons. When humankind gets back to the flow of the natural world, balance will once again be restored and collectively we will return to the mythical Garden […]
Rolfing® Structural Integration: A radical approach to change!
August 24, 2012
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by D.J. Cross — Fifty years ago, Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s conviction that the body structure can be changed was radical. It still is. We are not stuck with our genetic blueprint or the blueprint of our life’s experiences. Gravity is the most fundamental force human beings must contend with. When not aligned with gravity, […]
Reconnective Yoga™: An ancient practice on a new level
March 1, 2012
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by Kelly Woodruff — We are living in a time of major global change. In just 25 years, we have seen advances in science and technology that would have been unheard of 50 years ago. During the last 10 years, the information superhighway has advanced one-thousand fold, and the speed of global exchange is instantaneous. […]
A perspective on healing
February 28, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Ask people what the concept of healing means to them and you will get a wide variety of (and often intense) responses. Some people might declare that you must use a certain product and can only use it one way, while others might advocate a multi-tiered holistic approach. Indeed, there are […]
Solving the chronic pain puzzle
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Warner — Pain is a significant problem for many people, and the way too many of us deal with it is either by taking medication to temporarily relieve the pain or ignoring it altogether. Foolishly hoping the pain will go away without taking any action is an even bigger problem, often contributing […]
Balance your life with color
February 27, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Using color to create harmony and balance in your home is one of the easiest adjustments you can make in feng shui. By familiarizing yourself with the bagua (the feng shui floorplan), you will learn that specific colors are associated with each area of the bagua and that each section relates […]
An ordinary day
February 26, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein Grace — I have harbored a fear and distrust of ordinary kinds of days for a very long time. I have created an epic life for myself, filled with dazzling highs and dramatic lows. With the work/play that I do in the world, peak experiences are quite commonplace. Often, though, a view […]
August 11, 2013
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