What is the best immune supplement to take in 2016? by Debbie Williams — If you can only take one supplement, in my opinion, beta glucan is the big winner. Our bodies are in dire need of help because we eat poor quality food and follow an unhealthy diet. We have stress, impure water and […]
Tag Archives: beta glucan
How to prevent and manage cancer with beta glucan
January 8, 2016
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How to prevent and manage cancer with beta glucan by Debbie Williams — Most of us blindly go through life trusting that our parents knew what was best for us to eat. But did they really know what was best or did they follow the path of so many others, which led to health disaster? […]
Do allergies mean you have immune problems?
October 21, 2015
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Do allergies mean you have immune problems? by Debbie Williams — It appears Arizona allergies are here early again this year — probably from all the rain. If you suffer with allergies, I know you are miserable and want to be allergy free. You most likely have a struggling immune system that wreaks havoc on […]
Do germophobes have it right?
August 10, 2015
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Do germophobes have it right? by Debbie Williams — I remember calling my dad a germophobe. He would wash prewashed lettuce that was labeled “triple washed.” His health was deteriorating, and he did everything possible to help his immune system, even though it was already greatly compromised. I could never imagine that I too would […]
If you could only pick one supplement
July 14, 2015
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If you could only pick one supplement by Debbie Williams — With thousands of supplements out there, each touted as the latest and greatest, it can be very frustrating to determine which ones you should take, let alone how to afford their high costs. It can be very expensive to get healthy. But I congratulate […]
Keeping the flu bug at bay
February 15, 2015
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Keep the flu bug at bay by Debbie Williams — Every year we see the advertisements on TV; we see the signs in the stores to get your flu shot now. Some workplaces and schools are demanding people get vaccinated. A December 13, 2013, CBS Newswatch had an article titled, “Could you be fired for […]
Could beta glucan be a cancer answer?
August 21, 2014
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Could beta glucan be a cancer answer? by Debbie Williams — Have you seen the latest Cheerios® commercial with the cute little girl talking about beta glucan lowering cholesterol? I was at an event when this commercial was aired, and the speaker said one would have to eat 40 boxes of the cereal a day […]
Our immune systems are not so immune anymore
June 20, 2014
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Our immune systems are not so immune anymore by Debbie Williams — It is thrilling to see more people reading labels at the grocery store. People are becoming aware that the food and drinks touted as “healthy” might, in fact, be anything but. Grains, sugars (especially high-fructose corn syrup), the bad oils and preservatives are […]
Want to avoid high vet bills?
February 17, 2014
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by Debbie Williams — Our wonderful, loyal, furry friends give us years of enjoyment and companionship; however, they can leave us way too soon. Kittens and puppies are mischievous, playful and full of energy. The elderly dog’s tail still wags, but its body does not move so well anymore. Pets seem to give us […]
Avoiding flu and colds
December 22, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — Advertisements are in full swing right now promoting flu shots and cold medicines. Our 24-year-old son texted me recently, asking if he should get his free flu shot at work. An emphatic “No!” was my answer. He is in fantastic health, exercises regularly and his immune system is operating the way […]
Cancer and immunity
November 25, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — When a cancer patient goes to a traditional Western doctor, the treatments are typically chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, the big pharmaceutical companies see cancer as synonymous with a profit-driven opportunity. Cancer has grown into a trillion dollar industry. Some people spend $100,000 a year for treatments. In my opinion, this falls […]
Does “back to school” have to mean sick days?
August 17, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — The kids are heading back to school and you know what that means — germs, millions of them. With all the disinfectant wipes in retail stores and hand sanitizers in schools these days, you would think this would mean a reduction in germs and therefore less sick days for children and […]
Is there a cancer answer?
July 14, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — How can it be that in the year 2013 we still do not have a cure for cancer? We can clone an animal, we have built space shuttles and a Mars rover, but we cannot cure cancer? No wonder people are turning to natural health alternatives more than any time in […]
March 8, 2016
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