by Dr. Larry Wilson – Traumatic events can be the primary cause of physical and mental illness. This article will discuss how traumas take hold and offers an effective method for trauma release. What are traumas? Traumas are incidents or events of a physical and/or emotional nature that can be so stressful to people that […]
Tag Archives: energy
Chakra clearing
April 12, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Everything is energy, and energy is moving. Physical pain is the body’s way of communicating to our conscious mind that our life-force energy has become blocked in some way. However, addressing the physical symptoms may not always be the most effective way to heal. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which literally […]
Spring cleansing
April 12, 2012
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by Victoria Bowmann — It is that time of year when our grandparents hung the rugs on the line, shook and beat them to remove the debris, and then left them in the sun to air out. While we now have it much easier in the cleaning department with our modern electrical devices and fancy […]
The mystery of perception
March 5, 2012
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by John English — Did you know that mystics, sages and people of wisdom have been studying perception for eons? Despite all this time and effort, though, perception is still a mystery of almost unimaginable proportion. It involves consciousness, awareness, energy, power and duality. Without duality there could be no perception. Quantum physics has even […]
Reflexology hints
March 5, 2012
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Reflexology, also called zone therapy, is based on the idea that there are reflex areas in the feet, hands and ears that correspond to all organs, glands and other parts of the body, and that by massaging, squeezing or pressing on specific points within these areas, therapeutic effects can occur throughout the body. In 1915, […]
Reconnective Yoga™: An ancient practice on a new level
March 1, 2012
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by Kelly Woodruff — We are living in a time of major global change. In just 25 years, we have seen advances in science and technology that would have been unheard of 50 years ago. During the last 10 years, the information superhighway has advanced one-thousand fold, and the speed of global exchange is instantaneous. […]
A discussion of kundalini basics
March 1, 2012
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by Master Chrism — Kundalini is energy. Not bio-electric nerve-generated energy, but a divine energy that is not well-known or understood by science. It is a conscious energy; therefore, scientific explanations are not helpful — yet — but I have hope for science. Kundalini energy will forcibly stretch your willingness and openness to consider other […]
Transforming energy drains
February 27, 2012
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by Kimberly Kingsley — Just about everyone has at least one thing that robs them of inner peace and drains their energy. Often it is more than one thing, but our attention tends to focus on the habit or relationship that is most challenging. As an energy coach and psychotherapist, I have witnessed numerous transformations. […]
The water connection
February 27, 2012
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by Karen Langston — Water — we bathe in it, swim in it, get some of our food from it and, most importantly, drink it. Seventy percent of our beautiful planet is comprised of water. We literally cannot live without it; in fact, we cannot live more than one week without it. We love water. […]
Energy to do it all
February 26, 2012
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by Sheevaun O’Connor Moran — Many of us today feel pressed to “do it all.” With this comes the pressure of constantly focusing on what is next — the next appointment, the next activity, the next client, etc. With all that energy and effort placed on the next task, little time is left for the […]
Selenite: Star gate to higher awareness
February 26, 2012
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by Karyn Diane Kish — Selenite is a crystal of ancient times. It is named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the full moon. The pale-bluish, moon-like reflections in some of the first specimens gave rise to its name. Selenite is a transparent variety of crystallized gypsum. The crystals have a linear structure, forming in […]
Zero karma
February 26, 2012
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by Kimberly Kingsley — Many of us believe in ome sort of karma, but what is it really? Karma is nothing more than residue from past and present attachments, which develop when we attempt to procure energy from somewhere other than our own essence. We never need to “get” energy; we have an unending source […]
Energy equals resilience
February 25, 2012
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by Kimberly Kingsley — Think about the last time you snapped at someone. Were you tired? Were you rushed or drained? I would venture to guess that you did not roll out of bed completely rested and full of joy that day. If you did, you might not have been short with the innocent person […]
May 11, 2012
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