by Dr. John Demartini — Imagine you were dating or married to someone who only said, “I think you’re wonderful. You are always right. Can I do anything for you? You are the best there is, and anyone who cannot see that is crazy. You are perfect exactly the way you are.” You might initially […]
Tag Archives: fulfillment
Finding your soul purpose
January 15, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Why is it that some people enjoy success and abundance, while others continually seem to struggle? The answer lies within us — at the core of each individual. Each of us has an inner compass that steers us toward certain outcomes in life. For some, that compass is set for success, […]
The bigger secret
September 26, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — The Secret is out, way out. Those who have been entrenched in feelings of powerlessness are finding their mojo by applying its principles. Yay to the setting of intentions, to the power of positive thinking, and to the wondrous law of attraction! Yay to manifesting a perfect soul mate, to the […]
Packing for the journey to happiness, fulfillment, potential and greatness
September 15, 2012
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by Valerie Fink Sierra — Life has finally worn you out. It is time for a little vacation; time to get away from all the stress, challenges, heartaches, conflicts, disappointments and overall disarray of your life. The decision is made, and it is time to journey toward your desired destination of happiness, fulfillment, potential and […]
Mid-life crisis or mid-life transformation
September 14, 2012
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by Nancy Hofman — We have all heard the stories of the 40-something man or woman who bolts from a long-term marriage, buys a sports car, finds a new mate who is 20 years younger and seems to turn their entire life upside down. Stories like this are inevitably labeled as mid-life crises, described with […]
What you were never told may be holding you back
August 15, 2012
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by Tara Patricia — We are told from our first years in school onward to look at the subjects we do well in and focus on those areas for a career. We are told to study diligently and take advantage of different opportunities for advancement. We are told to look at the pay scale and […]
Finding new meaning in simplicity
February 28, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Beneath the current cycle of economic contraction, a quiet revolution is underway. It is a grassroots movement toward simplicity and meaning, led by individuals who realize that less can be more. Whereas Western consumerism is fueled by the mantra of “More, better, bigger!” these revolutionaries are choosing to step off the consumer […]
Coaching the soul
February 27, 2012
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by Sunil Ahuja — Most life coaching is about coaching the ego. Life coaching generally works toward achieving goals by attracting things, making and executing plans, modifying behaviors or changing specific thoughts and feelings. It is based on the notion that happiness and fulfillment depend on getting something, whether it is a physical object or […]
April 20, 2013
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