Practical intuition in action by Doreen Virtue — Our intuition is an inner voice that speaks with an essence of love. As we connect to that loving energy, we feel supported. We feel relaxed and safe knowing that everything happening at this moment has a greater purpose. Begin with those small calls to action, the ones that […]
Tag Archives: intuition
Reclaim your intuition for clearer guidance
December 24, 2015
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Reclaim your intuition for clearer guidance by Bill Philipps — I firmly believe that my ability as a psychic medium is a God-given gift and not just anybody can become one simply because he or she wants to. Trust me, I know many people who have tried, without success. But I do believe all people […]
Simple rules for intuitive weight loss
September 28, 2015
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Simple rules for intuitive weight loss by Dianne Bischoff James — Months after delivering my third child, I stood barefoot on the cold scale in my doctor’s office as the metal weights swung up and down, finally settling in at 192 pounds. I felt nauseous and embarrassed, devastated. I have struggled with obesity since childhood, […]
The four levels of intuition
August 11, 2014
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The four levels of intuition by Simone Wright — Learning to develop and trust our intuitive intelligence is more important now than it has ever been before. According to a recent UCLA study, we are exposed to a tsunami of information that amounts to more than the content in 174 newspapers per day. That is […]
Power up your intuition with blue stones
May 3, 2014
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Power up your intuition with blue stones by Carol Nicholson — Intuition is something we use every single day. Intuition could be random thoughts or certain feelings that come out of nowhere and give us important messages. There is nothing mystical about intuition; nor does it require years of intense study to tap into. Quite […]
Let your intuition do the walking
May 22, 2013
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by Rochelle Sparrow — When was the last time you had an impulse to do something and then 10 minutes later found out why? “Wow, I knew I should have picked up that file,” you think, as you are two blocks from home and remember the urgent report you forgot at the office. “Now, I […]
Intuition and meditation
February 12, 2013
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — We hear a lot of talk about our inner voice or intuition and using it to access our inner knowing. How do we know when it is our inner voice we are hearing? The term “gut feeling” offers a clue as to where our intuition might be located — if it […]
Forgiveness — the great karma cleanser
December 17, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — When I was a boy, I was quite the troublemaker. I would invite my more demonic friends over for a Saturday afternoon of creative hell-raising, and we would go downstairs into the recreation room. I would tell my parents we were playing Monopoly, or some other innocent activity. We then proceeded […]
Your amuse system lightens the workload
November 23, 2012
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by Karen Lee — According to Jody Urquhart, an expert in the field of humor and health, fun is productive. Imagine a work world where people love their work environment, and they are calm, stress-free and happy all day long. People who are in good spirits are more likely to be productive. Their mental attitude […]
When what you know does not work for you anymore
October 14, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Did you ever watch one of those TV movies based on actual events? They always post a disclaimer that says the names have been changed to protect the innocent. […]
Avoiding overwhelm
August 27, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Overwhelm occurs when our brains struggle to adapt quickly enough to the increasingly complex environments in which we live. Historically, human life has been shaped by scarcity and limitation. Our biological brains and instincts are still geared for an environment of lack, whereas today we are faced with an overload of […]
Intuition and free will
August 6, 2012
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by Andrea Hess — Many people actively working on their intuitive development may ask themselves: “Why can’t intuition be more obvious? Why can’t it be easier to discern?” These are excellent questions, and the answer is simple: free will. We are here to live by choice and consequence. We are responsible for all our choices. […]
How to keep an angel journal
July 10, 2012
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by Josephine M. Joseph — I believe in angels and talk with them all the time. They always answer me. Sometimes the answers are verbal; often they come via my angel diary. I believe angels are very present on the planet, and with a little effort and intention we can connect with them. Some of […]
February 13, 2016
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