by John English — What does it mean to walk in beauty? There is a native saying: “Beauty before me, beauty behind me, beauty beside me, beauty below me, beauty above me — I walk in beauty.” This is what walking in beauty looks like. Joy, bliss and safety are what it feels like, and […]
Tag Archives: judgment
Judgment — the journey to nowhere
February 16, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — Have you ever considered how judgment affects and influences your life? Consider this: Every time you judge others, you subconsciously are judging some aspect of yourself. Knowing this, why would you continue to make judgments about others? Judgment diminishes your own self-worth while also giving you an excuse to project invalidation […]
Resolutions vs. transformation
January 15, 2013
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by David Kuehl — At the beginning of each new year, many of us vow to change some aspect of our life that we find uncomfortable or feel we no longer need. Whether it is our weight, our job, our relationships or our personal habits, we make a commitment to change these things in order to […]
Unconditional family love
December 25, 2012
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by John F. Demartini — Consider the balance in your life. First, though, let’s take a look at the fundamental social dynamic called the family to determine whether function or dysfunction, order or disorder, reigns. At a superficial glance, it might appear that many if not most families are dysfunctional. However, when viewed from a […]
Holding higher ground
November 21, 2012
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by John English — Let’s face it — there are a lot of things happening in our world today, and for those of us who have made the decision to live a spiritual life, this presents certain challenges. The massive spiritual awakening that was foretold by prophets from several cultures and across the ages appears […]
The truth about failure
October 4, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Every experience we term “failure” holds a core of liberating truth within it. The next time you feel as if you have somehow failed, review these truths and you will see why you do not need to fear failure. There is no such thing as failure — The Course in Miracles […]
Family function or dysfunction — your choice
September 23, 2012
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by Dr. John F. Demartini — When you consider balance in your life, one of the first places to look is the fundamental social dynamic called the family, to see whether function or dysfunction, order or disorder, reigns. Though a superficial glance might seem to reveal that many, if not most families are dysfunctional, when […]
Aligning with greatness: the energy of success
August 17, 2012
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by Dawn Fleming — Everything has energy; even words and thoughts do, which create our responses to the world. Taking this principle further, the need to compare ourselves or measure up to others can create profoundly negative energy that affects our ability to succeed. Aligning with our greatness requires that we release this need to […]
The power of joy
July 10, 2012
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by Kandi and Faith — The Angels want to remind us that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. The very core of who we are is love. As humans, we experience duality, or two basic emotions. Every feeling we experience stems from either love or fear. The feeling of joy stems from […]
Moving from absorber to observer
February 23, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — You have certainly heard of vampires. They drain your blood and suck the life out of you. So, are there really vampires or are these blood-suckers masquerading as people in your life? If the second answer is yes, then ask yourself why you have invited them in to drain the life […]
October 9, 2013
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