by Mimi Solaire — Stretching not only relaxes the body but also has a calming effect on the mind and emotions. Some of the benefits of stretching include mental and physical relaxation; body awareness; reduction of muscular tension and soreness; production of chemicals that lubricate connective tissues and joints, helping reduce injury to joints, ligaments, […]
Tag Archives: stretching
Roll fibro pain away
March 27, 2013
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by Betsy Timmerman — One of the most effective and affordable tools for pain relief is the foam roller. Often used for relaxing muscles after workouts, athletes really appreciate the relief they get from post-exertional tightness after a “roll out.” The foam roller is an excellent way to release trigger points in painful fibromyalgia muscles. […]
IM=X Pilates offers results fast
March 4, 2013
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by Laurie Breeden — The IM=X Pilates program blends the best of Pilates with strength training and cardiovascular conditioning — a combination that provides faster results. Sessions combine resistance training, stretching, aerobic activity and muscle strengthening to achieve fast, consistent results. IM=X, which stands for Integrated Movement Xercize, incorporates principles of Pilates along with more […]
Helpful hints for a healthier lifestyle
March 4, 2013
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by Cory Lemberger — Have fun! Really enjoy what you do, because stress is dangerous to your fragile, healthy cells. The following hints are general health recommendations. Your own health requirements may differ, so make sure to consult your health care provider to determine what is right for you. • Keep your energetic pathways clear […]
Hints to help drivers prepare for travel
September 10, 2012
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Despite gas prices, millions of Americans are still taking to the road for travel and to see loved ones. This means many drivers will be taking long excursions on highways, often after the sun has set, and in varying weather conditions. AARP wants older (and even young) drivers to know that there are many easy […]
Treating pain naturally
September 3, 2012
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by Victoria Bowmann — Pain is an all-consuming feeling — even when it is minor and especially when you are the one experiencing the pain. Worse still is severe or chronic pain that stems from kidney stones, cancer or any other debilitating illness. Consider yourself fortunate if you never have to experience such serious suffering. […]
Self-defense: A form of personal training
March 5, 2012
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by Steven Cooner — Imagine getting all the benefits of personal training, cardio, endurance, stretching, strength and body shaping, while learning a practical, safe way to defend and protect yourself at the same time. Many secrets to healthy longevity, beauty, self-esteem, alleviating fear and gaining confidence are contained in self-defense exercises and techniques. Personal protection […]
Stretching and strengthening your fibromyalgia away
March 1, 2012
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by Betsy Timmerman — Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that has reached epidemic proportions today. Once believed to affect 2 to 4 percent of the population, that estimate has climbed in recent years. Chronic pain in all four quadrants of the body for more than three months is the leading definition of the illness, […]
Take time to stretch
February 28, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Warner — As we age, our muscles tighten and the range of motion in our joints decreases. This can impact even the most active lifestyles and hinder normal day-to-day activities. Tasks that used to be simple, like zipping up a dress or reaching for a can on the top shelf, may become […]
Sitting and stretching behind the desk
February 27, 2012
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by Jacklien Salas — The majority of people in today’s workplace spend much of their time sitting in front of computers. Some might sit facing forward with good posture, but most of us do not. Many will twist their bodies to the side in unnatural positions. This contortion can result in fatigued muscles that can […]
Seven shortcuts to daily bliss
February 24, 2012
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by Meryl Davids Landau — Sure, the ancient yogis found inner bliss by practicing their yoga poses and sitting on their cushions for hours on end. But we live in the real world — frequently too busy treading water to spare that kind of time. Fortunately, after digesting tons of spiritual books, attending myriad workshops […]
The hidden prankster and joker of low-back pain
February 23, 2012
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by Dr. Kenneth Muhich — Have you ever experienced back pain so severe that you had to crawl on your hands and knees to get to the bathroom because you could not stand up? Maybe after sitting at a computer or driving a long distance you were unable to get up without pain, making you […]
January 23, 2014
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