Developing the will also means learning when to let go, when to retreat, when to stop and when to just go along with the will of others in order to save your life or other things, such as your money, health, reputation or even a friendship or relationship.
by Dr. Larry Wilson —
This article is about balancing your life with the love tetra — four qualities of action that, when done in a balanced way, can lead to greater happiness and better health. The word tetra means four and is short for tetrahedron, which is a geometric solid with four sides and four corners.
It looks like a pyramid and appears triangular when viewed by looking at one of its points or corners. It is the most basic geometric or three-dimensional form in physical reality. As a metaphor for this concept, each of the points or corners of the tetra represents the qualities that together create our physical existence or universe.
The meaning of the four points or corners of the tetra
In this metaphor of existence, the four points or corners of the tetra have the following meanings: (1) the love of God, the Creator or the One; (2) love for other people; (3) development of the will; and (4) development of wisdom and knowledge.
Let us examine each of these meanings in more detail.
The love of God, the Creator or the One
The love of God means a higher power is always at work in our lives. We are fully dependent upon this source of our being and must continuously seek to communicate with it and be grateful for it so that we may know our direction or course.
Geometrically, the love of God is placed at the top of the tetra pyramid. This symbolizes that it has to be the most important thing in a person’s life. Proper appreciation of the idea of the love of God will keep a person balanced, centered, grounded and focused properly, at least most of the time.
If a love of God, the Creator or the One is missing, a person is generally egotistical, unbalanced, too physically focused or oriented and not well grounded or centered. This is very common in modern secular societies in which traditional religions have declined in popularity and have been replaced by secular thinking and moral relativism. This is the idea that there is no right or wrong and, generally, one should do what feels good or right.
The mineral calcium — In the science of nutritional balancing, the love of God is represented by calcium, which is the basic structural material of the body. If we do not have enough in our bones, our body structure will fall apart. Calcium, in the right amounts and compounds, keeps us balanced, grounded, centered and able to function physically.
A love of other people
Loving others means giving of yourself to assist others. To be pure, you must do this for its own sake, not just for money, fame or popularity. It is a deep recognition that “we are all in this together,” no matter who we are or think we are. We must not act as though we are on an isolated island or that everything we do and touch does not affect all other beings in the universe.
This idea is critical to maintaining balance in your life and keeping a healthy focus. To love others as thyself was one of the admonitions of Jesus of Nazareth and of most other great teachers, such as the Chinese philosopher Confucius.
However, loving others must always be tempered by the understanding that there is a higher principle — that of loving God, the Creator or the One. This is necessary to keep the love of others in balance. Otherwise, people become martyrs, “enablers,” or they may burn out trying to help everyone.
The mineral magnesium — Magnesium is called the bright and shining mineral in nutritional balancing. In part, this name was given because magnesium is required for more enzymes than any other mineral. No other mineral can be substituted for it, and it is found in many of the body’s most critical enzymes. This is the critical function of magnesium.
Magnesium is also a lightweight, flexible metal that burns very brightly when ignited. It is used to make flares, for example, which shine for miles around. It is also used to make extremely durable road-racing bicycles that are lightweight and flexible. While it is not a structural mineral in the same way as calcium, it is every bit as important in holding the body together in an energetic or enzymatic way.
Once again, the world’s brightest teachers have emphasized the importance of service to others and that we are all held together by human relationships, which give us opportunities to serve, to love and be loved. Magnesium fulfills this function by holding all together in a light, flexible and powerful way, permitting our bodies and our world to function properly.
Development of the will
As souls, we are all developing a quality of the soul called the will. It is more than just standing up for what you believe or disciplining the body or mind. It is a deep and basic quality of the soul that signals its maturing process. This aspect of action is about self-discipline.
Discipline is not merely forcing yourself to do things. The word discipline is related to the word disciple. It has to do with following a course of action, even when obstacles seem to be in your way.
If you are tossed about by your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, ideas or anything else, you have not developed your will. Developing the will means you can set a course and stay with it, even if obstacles present themselves from within or from without. It means taking charge. However, it must be done properly, keeping in mind that you are not really in charge. A higher power is always above you.
Martyrdom — Developing the will does not mean becoming a martyr, although the martyr personality is certainly a willful one and often a loving one. However, the martyr does not stop when deprivation or persecution becomes intolerable.
Developing the will also means learning when to let go, when to retreat, when to stop and when to just go along with the will of others in order to save your life or other things, such as your money, health, reputation or even a friendship or relationship.
Otherwise, people may lose their lives, their health or something else of value, such as a marriage or friendship, because they are too focused on their will to succeed or to accomplish a goal.
Goal orientation — The development of the will has to do with setting goals or a course and then following it. This is admirable, but be careful about worldly teachings when it comes to setting goals. Too often the goal is not really that of the Creator but a selfish goal. One may use the will to accomplish the goal and, yes, there is value in accomplishing something.
However, if the goal is not in line with the Creator’s wishes, you will not be happy when it is fulfilled. You will set a new goal — to make more money or to get another new house or new husband or wife, perhaps — and the process keeps going.
If this happens to you, know that your goals, admirable as they may be, are not in alignment with the will of the Creator, or the One. You have, in essence, not kept the tetra in mind well enough.
In that case, slow down. Stop making goals and try to tune in to hear the still small voice within that is usually telling you to rest, relax more and live in the present — moment to moment and day to day. If you do this, opportunities will be presented to you and proper goals will be revealed.
This will keep you much safer and healthier. Your real goals, in many cases, are or should be to better tune in to yourself and to your Creator; learn what is really important and what is superficial and silly; understand yourself and others better; and treat yourself better, meaning to heal, rather than harm yourself with too much willfulness.
The mineral sodium — Sodium is a power mineral. Higher sodium found on a hair mineral analysis indicates better adrenal and often better thyroid functioning, with more energy available. Very low sodium is associated with a lack of will and personal power. This is sometimes called victimhood. Victims never have good willpower or they would not be victims. They do not persist in changing their situation.

The word discipline is related to the word disciple. It has to do with following a course of action, even when obstacles are or seem to be in your way.
The development of wisdom and knowledge
This is the final corner or leg of the tetra of love. The development of wisdom and knowledge is a soul quality, just as is the development of the will, the development of a service mentality and learning to love the Creator, or God.
Knowledge may be thought of as facts or observations about life. Knowledge can come through the senses, from books and other media, from personal experience or by observing others.
Wisdom may be thought of as the skill of knowing how to prioritize knowledge, how to check your knowledge for truth and accuracy, and how to use knowledge correctly to better yourself, others and the universe. Together, knowledge and wisdom represent a very important soul quality that may be called the development of power through knowledge.
Too little knowledge or false knowledge is called ignorance. It causes a person to be dull and stupid, out of touch with reality and boring to be around. This often leads to poor-quality decisions and the early death of an individual or a society.
Too much knowledge, if not tempered with wisdom, causes arrogance, confusion and often delusions of grandeur. This is also very dangerous and causes most of the problems of this world.
Too little wisdom means that one does not know what to do with one’s knowledge and learning. It causes depression, confusion and often mental illness. We see examples of it in the idiot savant mentality, when one has a lot of knowledge in one area but cannot integrate it well and therefore has trouble functioning in society.
Too much wisdom is not a problem, as it really is a kind of knowing or ability to handle whatever comes along. Developing wisdom is therefore the ultimate goal of this aspect of the love tetra.
The mineral potassium — Potassium is another power mineral. It is part of what Dr. Paul Eck called the thyroid ratio, which compares potassium with calcium, the structural mineral.
While calcium represents structure and magnesium represents love, potassium has more to do with follow-through or knowing, while sodium is more concerned with raw power or brute force. Knowledge and wisdom are types of power, but more subtle types of power that take more time to develop and are less obvious in their nature.
In hair mineral analysis interpretation, a very low potassium level is a sign of sympathetic dominance. This is a type of lack of wisdom, essentially, that often kills. A very high potassium level is another nervous system imbalance associated with a step-up pattern, also called stepping out of life. It is also a lack of wisdom, usually because the ego has made a decision to go its own way and that way is very destructive to life.
This article has presented four qualities of action or motivation for action. They are: (1) the love of God, or the Creator; (2) love and service to others; (3) development of self-discipline or the will; and (4) development of knowledge and wisdom.
When these four action qualities are balanced in your life, you will move quickly on your life path, usually in health and happiness. If this is not occurring, review this article often and check to see if you are balancing all four of these qualities in your everyday life.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson has a medical degree and has been in the health field for more than 25 years. His books include Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis, Legal Guidelines for Unlicensed Practitioners, Healing Ourselves and Manual of Sauna Therapy and The Real Self. He also co-authored Toxic Metals in Human Health and Disease and contributed to The Dangers of Socialized Medicine. www.drlwilson.com or 928-445-7690.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 4, August/September 2013.
September 3, 2013
August/September 2013 Issue, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Happiness, Healing, Health, Love and Relationships, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical, Wisdom