Tai Chi Reflections: A Set of 48 Self-Empowerment Cards by Richard Crookes — In this beautifully illustrated set of cards, you will gain access to the inner calm and personal empowerment that is inherent in the ancient wisdom of tai chi practice through engaging with the body language of each posture. This deck is not […]
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Illumination of The Heart
December 19, 2015
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Illumination of The Heart by Deuter — Deuter, one of the earliest creators of New Age music has released more than 60 albums since 1971. Again, he offers a masterful example of the best music made in this genre — transcendent, spiritual, transformative, serene, meditative, blissful and rejuvenating. He plays a variety of instruments: flute, keyboards, […]
Secrets of the voice
December 18, 2015
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Secrets of the voice by Jill Mattson — We have a great stream of information surrounding us that is processed through our subconscious mind. But our truth is hiding from us in plain sight. A crystal breaks out light into component pitches (wavelengths), while software breaks the voice into component pitches. Emotions, thoughts and health […]
Awake: The Life of Yogananda Music from the Soundtrack
December 17, 2015
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Awake: The Life of Yogananda Music from the Soundtrack by Michael Mollura and Vivek Maddala — The film Awake: The Life of Yogananda is the unconventional biography about Paramahansa Yogananda who brought yoga and meditation to the West in the 1920s. Filmed over three years with the participation of 30 countries around the world, the […]
ADHD and The Edison Gene: A Drug-Free Approach to Managing the Unique Qualities of Your Child
December 16, 2015
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ADHD and The Edison Gene: A Drug-Free Approach to Managing the Unique Qualities of Your Child by Thom Hartmann — Hartmann shows how creativity, impulsiveness, risk-taking, distractibility and novelty-seeking are characteristic of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but not signs of a disorder. Instead, they are components of a highly adaptive skill set utilized by […]
The power of energetic magnetism
December 15, 2015
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The power of energetic magnetism by Robert Moss — Whatever you think or feel, the universe says yes. Perhaps you have noticed this. Yes, we are talking about the law of attraction. It is indeed an ancient law, never a secret to those who live consciously. “All things which are similar and therefore connected, are […]
Kick your bucket list with affairs planning
December 9, 2015
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Kick your bucket list with affairs planning by Holley Kelley — Resolutions are a long-held tradition, marking new beginnings and renewed commitments for more of what we hope for but have fallen short of achieving in prior years. Marked with motivation and newfound pledges, the best of resolutions often fade to the wayside by February. […]
GE foods are illegal
December 9, 2015
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GE foods are illegal by Mary Budinger — After 15 years of legal investigation, Steven Druker details in his recently acclaimed book, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, how government intrigue and corporate power have teamed up to ignore the law and give the go-ahead for genetically engineered (GE) crops. He wants us to know that […]
Love yourself more by being assertive with your dialogue
December 9, 2015
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Love yourself more by being assertive with your dialogue by Linda Marsanico — Let us talk about assertion and internal dialogue because they are intimately involved in developing self-love. Assertion is getting your needs met while respecting the rights of others. Internal dialogue is your internal stream of thoughts that stem from your ego. Assertion […]
Meditation is like a hammer and nail
December 9, 2015
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Meditation is like a hammer and nail by Diana Lang — Can you imagine feeling good and natural and full of life? Imagine what it would feel like to be calm and centered, no matter what your circumstances might be. Imagine having more energy while engaging in everything you do and feeling even more connected […]
Exercises for sleeker, stronger arms
December 9, 2015
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Exercises for sleeker, stronger arms by Joanne Henning Tedesco — If your upper arms are starting to sag, simple upper-arm exercises using hand weights can tone up your arms in about four to six weeks. To do these exercises, choose weights that are heavy enough to fatigue you somewhere between 12 and 15 repetitions. If […]
What if love did not have to be so hard?
December 9, 2015
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What if love did not have to be so hard? by SARK — I met John on a cruise. He had no idea who I was or that I had sold millions of books around the world. He told me that he had been deeply in love once before and the honeymoon had never ended, […]
Alkaline-forming versus acid-forming foods
December 9, 2015
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Alkaline-forming versus acid-forming foods by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Most of the foods that people eat today are acid forming. These include refined grains, pasteurized dairy, conventional meat, vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners and processed sugars. A diet composed primarily of these acid-forming foods inhibits nerve function and damages cells. Experts in the field believe a […]
December 20, 2015
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