by Dr. Tom Stempel — Pain is a message from your body telling you something is wrong or out of balance. It often originates in your emotions or spirit. We each have a place where we hold stress or tension; frequently, it’s in the shoulders or back muscles, which can result in a headache, stiff […]
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Cellular memory
March 11, 2013
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by Nancy Beauchamp — Cellular memory was first studied and documented in anecdotal reports of organ recipients. Studies have shown that recipients have experienced behaviors, personality traits, food cravings or interests they had not experienced in their lives before the transplants. Every disturbance of the body, either real or imagined, evokes a stress response. The […]
How hypnosis can help with childbirth
January 25, 2013
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by Sara L. Payne — The fear of a painful childbirth that most women face today started long ago with the “Curse of Eve.” This belief that labor must be a painful experience has become embedded in many cultures — particularly in the Western world — across the centuries. But contrary to centuries of cultural […]
Falling off the balance beam
January 17, 2013
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by Dr. Tom Stempel — We often hear people say, “I feel out of balance.” Usually they are referring to spiritual or emotional feelings, but if you observe them closely, you can often see that the emotional or spiritual imbalance also causes them to be out of balance physically. Tight neck or shoulder muscles may […]
What is clinical hypnotherapy?
January 14, 2013
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by Jo Johnston, Ph.D. — The powers of hypnotism, an altered state of consciousness, have fascinated humans since the beginning of time, and were recognized by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese and by native tribes in all parts of the world. The phenomenon we know as hypnosis has been, and still is, called by many […]
I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress
January 11, 2013
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by Irene Conlan — “I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress,” he said. “I read about it in magazines and the newspaper; they talk about it on the radio and on TV. That’s all they talk about at work. Stress, stress, stress. So what’s the big deal?” He had come for hypnotherapy because he […]
Smoking cessation goes hi-tech
December 22, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — If you had no desire to smoke, no need to smoke and no reason to smoke, would you still smoke? The days of smoking cigarettes (or anything else for that matter) to look “cool” are over. More and more people who smoke are becoming “closet smokers,” because they are embarrassed to […]
Advertising and news reports hypnotize smokers
November 7, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — As a hypnotherapist, I have helped many, many people stop smoking and remain non-smokers. But the challenge has been growing more and more difficult, and I just realized why. Smokers are told over and over that it is hard to quit smoking. Not just hard, but almost impossible! The withdrawal symptoms […]
Hypnosis and pre-wedding jitters
October 17, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Wedding season is here and many couples have passed the planning stage and are moving rapidly into “final detail” mode. This is where things sometimes start to get sticky. Often brides and grooms are overwhelmed before the wedding and forget that this is a celebration of love — a time they […]
Access your unconscious mind through hypnosis
October 11, 2012
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by Lori Keeley — Did you know that every event from your birth to the present is stored in your mind, like on a DVD or cassette recording, and that those events make up who you are today? Ten percent of our mind is conscious (the events we remember), and 90 percent is unconscious (the […]
Successful weight control
October 10, 2012
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by Dasha Trebichavska — Permanent weight loss requires an earnest commitment to healthier living, as well as thorough investigation of the underlying cause(s) of one’s excess weight. Excess weight can result from a variety of causes, including a diet high in carbohydrates, lack of exercise, thyroid imbalance, insulin and adrenal problems, water retention, emotional imbalance […]
The one-eyed hypnotist
October 7, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Little Jimmie sits in front of the Saturday cartoons. You have selected his programs carefully to avoid violence, wild behavior and bad language. You know the programs are relatively wholesome, and you really need the time to get some things done. Little Jimmie loves it. Lunchtime comes, and he begins to […]
Academics vs. attitude
October 7, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — Have you noticed the negative energy that seems to surround the youth of our nation? Have you ever wondered why our children and teens are so angry? Does their attitude affect their academic progress? The answer to all three of these questions is “Yes.” These young people chose to incarnate […]
March 13, 2013
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