by Fatina Hijab — The art of reflexology has a definite place in our modern world. Human feet are equipped with curves, nerves, muscles and bones of many shapes and sizes. Although our ancestors walked the earth with bare feet, we have embraced paved streets that cause our arches to collapse and tortuous, tight-fitting shoes […]
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Reflexology reduces migraines
May 7, 2013
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by Donna Vogel — Reflexology is the science of dealing with reflex points on the feet, hands, ears and body that mirror all the organs and glands of the body. By stimulating these points, reflexology opens blocked energetic pathways, enabling the body to begin healing itself. As a student of reflexology, I am thrilled to […]
Foot reflexology: The window into your health
April 15, 2013
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by Fatina Hijab — As winter approaches, it is necessary to pay closer attention to our feet. Colder weather not only contracts the concrete blocks and electrical wires throughout our cities, but the muscles in our bodies contract as well. Cold weather means having cold feet, craving rich fatty foods and working out less. Without […]
Your toes can tell your whole life story
February 25, 2013
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by Nancy Beauchamp — People turn to tea leaves, crystal balls and palms to tell their future, but did you know your toes can tell your whole life story? The fascinating art of toe reading can be seen as an extension of reflexology or as a technique unto itself. Are you prone to corns or […]
Thyme — herb or medicine?
February 23, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — A member of the labiatae, or mint family, thyme is an herb that comes in many varieties and is native to the Mediterranean basin. There is only one genus of the plant (thymus vulgaris), but depending on the region in which it grows, the composition of the oil distilled from […]
Reflexology can help your health condition
January 26, 2013
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by Fatina Hijab — Reflexology works in harmony with our natural healing mechanism and its tendency to maintain homeostasis throughout the human body. Homeostasis is an inherently individualized balanced state of physical and emotional wellness. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine, disease occurs when the body is imbalanced. Since the body is programmed to detect the […]
Getting Grounded
November 15, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Being grounded means being real, honest, authentic and present. It is having the ability to see things as they are and get on with life without needless strife or heartache. Many who need grounding are unaware of their need. Here is a short quiz about groundedness: 1. Do you […]
Massage therapy improves your life
November 13, 2012
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by Tony Liker — How many people do you know who ever turn down a massage? It is hard to say “no” to something that is so good at loosening muscles, providing relaxation and reducing stress. Massage therapy is quickly gaining popularity, not only because it feels good, but because it has documented health benefits […]
The energetic component of fertility
November 10, 2012
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by Nancy Beauchamp — Some things in life are free. Most things we put our minds to we can accomplish. One very important exception seems to be parenthood. Couples who long for a child but are unable to conceive can be stymied about what to do to accomplish their hearts’ desire. Allopathic medicine proposes many […]
Chinese foot reflexology — this is the balance
October 9, 2012
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by Fatina Hijab — Without balance there is chaos. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM), disease occurs when the body is imbalanced. Foot reflexology helps the body achieve and maintain its natural balance, or homeostasis. Reflexology works on the 11 systems of the human body: muscular, nervous, skeletal, endocrine, digestive, urinary, circulatory, reproductive, respiratory, integumentary […]
Uncovering the myths of massage therapy
September 28, 2012
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by Brian Hampson — Massage has enormous potential to do a body good, if you are in the right hands. But it is essential to understand the facts and fiction regarding a good massage. A massage should be relaxing, comforting or rejuvenating to the body and mind. But with recent reports of abuse and an […]
Isn’t it Iron-ic?
September 15, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Iron is a vital mineral in the human body. Iron overload, however, is deadly. Most physicians believe it is rare and mainly hereditary, but in fact, it is far more common and more dangerous than we thought possible. The roles of iron Iron has three major roles in the […]
Reflexology and hormonal balance
July 19, 2012
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by Carol Gutierrez — Reflexology is an ancient art and science that can positively and naturally bring balance to the many physiological changes that accompany the hormonal changes that occur as women age. Hot flashes, moodiness, water retention, palpitations and mind fogginess are frequent symptoms surrounding menopause. These symptoms are due to the flux of […]
July 27, 2013
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