by Paul Stiles Randak — The journey toward healing and personal freedom requires one to address the nature and origin of past wounds. These wounds, which formed at a very early age, are the result of events and relationships in one’s life where the authentic or artistic self was abandoned or injured. Releasing oneself from […]
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Let your intuition do the walking
May 22, 2013
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by Rochelle Sparrow — When was the last time you had an impulse to do something and then 10 minutes later found out why? “Wow, I knew I should have picked up that file,” you think, as you are two blocks from home and remember the urgent report you forgot at the office. “Now, I […]
How to keep a well-being journal
May 19, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Within the pages of a well-being journal or diary, you can record and track what serves and provides for you, and what does not. Whether you already keep a journal or want to start a well-being journal, it is an amazing, supportive tool you can give yourself. A well-being journal is […]
Journal Entry, February 1: Listening to a juniper
April 26, 2013
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by Larry Lindahl — The trail rounds a bend and opens out onto a broad bench of solid sandstone — one of a rising series of smoothly eroded terraces. Near the middle of the rock slope, I angle up and begin to climb. The view opens up behind me as I ascend from one terrace […]
Acceptance and gratitude
April 22, 2013
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by Sara Payne — With the arrival of the new year, many people have put thought into resolutions for change. Perhaps we could also put some thought into two vastly underrated concepts: acceptance and gratitude. If we really understood the gifts that genuine, heart-felt gratitude could bring into our lives, we might see how those […]
Living from feeling — What you feel, you can heal
April 11, 2013
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by Oshana Himot — Many contemporary spiritual and psychological modalities tell us we can do much to heal the world and ourselves. When we allow ourselves to experience and accept all of our feelings — whether love, sadness, anger or even fear — we heal naturally. Here are a few ways you can begin to […]
Creating a prosperity journal
April 5, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — If you look up the individual words in the phrase “creating a prosperity journal” in the dictionary, it says: Creating — to cause to exist; originate; to bring about; produce. Prosperity — financial success or well-being. Journal — a daily record of occurrences or transactions. Creating a personal prosperity journal will […]
17 tips on keeping a journal or diary
February 27, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Whether you already keep a journal or want to start, here are some ideas and tips to help you with your journaling. 1. New to keeping a journal? Start with writing, “Today, I am grateful for …” and fill in the blank with what you are grateful for. 2. Write in […]
Keeping a dream journal
February 10, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — One great use for a journal or diary is as a dream journal. This type of journaling is used to record and track your dreams after you awaken. Upon waking, before you even get out of bed, take time to be silent and recall your dreams. Then, reach for the dream […]
Journals, journals, journals
January 28, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Sharing the experience of keeping a journal or diary is a wonderful way to understand how someone else has benefited from the power of journaling. Reading about someone’s journaling experience reveals what journaling has meant to them, the results it has provided, and what they have learned about themselves or the […]
Relationships and your inner child
January 11, 2013
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by Lisa Angelini — Many of us are aspiring to have happy, loving relationships. This can become a reality for everyone, but only after we have a healthy and loving relationship with ourselves. However, we sometimes unconsciously carry our wounded inner child into our adult relationships, because we carry what we term “baggage” from past […]
Gratitude journals
November 28, 2012
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by Doreene Clement — Think about how you would complete the following: “Today I am grateful for …” Do you already keep a gratitude journal, or do you incorporate one into your current journaling or diary? If you do not already keep one, you might consider starting a gratitude journal, because keeping a record of […]
Journaling to empower your life
October 26, 2012
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by Doreene Clement — Keeping a journal or a diary creates many advantages and possibilities and has been proven to enhance well-being. Set your journal where you will see it every day and find a quiet time and place to journal. You can use a notebook, a blank book or a computer for your journaling, […]
October 15, 2013
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