Opting in — choosing the fullness of life by Lisa Angelini — In this very moment, your body is being nourished and blessed by life. With every heartbeat and every breath, your body takes in the energy of life and connects with nature. Whether we notice or not, we are always connected through our breath. […]
Tag Archives: breathing
Inhale Slowly
August 8, 2014
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by Tim White and Joe Paulino — This recording was created to promote slow and conscious breathing as the foundation of the path toward inner peace. The duo crafted this world-fusion instrumental music not only as entertainment, but also specifically to facilitate relaxation, meditation and healing. The mostly acoustic, cross-cultural music features wood-flute, guitar, sitar, […]
Help for handling stress
August 21, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Are you getting your seven hours of free time a day? According to new research from Direct Line Insurance, seven hours — or six hours 59 minutes to be precise — is the minimum we need for a perfect work/life balance. The reality, of course, is a different matter. On average, […]
Put mind over matter with integrative imagery
July 13, 2013
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by Nancy Beauchamp — When people hear the words integrative imagery, they probably think about CAT scans or MRIs. But integrative imagery does not refer to a mechanical device separate from us. Rather, it is a technique of putting mind over matter to become healthier. In her book, Molecules of Emotions, Candace Pert states that […]
Intuition and meditation
February 12, 2013
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — We hear a lot of talk about our inner voice or intuition and using it to access our inner knowing. How do we know when it is our inner voice we are hearing? The term “gut feeling” offers a clue as to where our intuition might be located — if it […]
Wag your tail to health
February 4, 2013
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by Steve Kricun — Dr. Ichi Lee believes he has unlocked the key to improving your health in the simplest way. And it all starts by wagging your tail. Lee, a Korean physician, subscribes to the philosophy that we should heal ourselves. “The best and most knowledgeable healer lives inside of you,” Lee said. More […]
Rejuvenate your life
August 19, 2012
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by Victoria Mogilner — How many times have you awakened depressed, with low energy and the feeling that everything is moving too fast? Right now everything is speeding up, and unless you take time for yourself, you will burn out, become depressed and feel out of sorts. Chinese medicine is a practical tool to help […]
Infection Prevention
August 17, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people are concerned about the growing threat of infections that seemingly strike at random and do not respond well to drugs. These include: MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), the flesh-eating bacteria that has recently been in the news, and new strains of drug-resistant sexually transmitted diseases. Basic principles of infections […]
The all encompassing tai chi
July 31, 2012
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by Ben Serpas — There are several techniques one can use to manage stress, such as deep breathing, biofeedback, massage, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, thought-stopping, visualization and yoga. However, one specific technique includes all of these — tai chi, a form of qi gong (chi kung), which is considered the Chinese form of yoga. Tai […]
Energy healing for the heart
July 19, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — When the heart needs healing, love and joy are the best medicine. Who can dispute the loving touch of a mother’s hand as the original healing modality? What brings us back to wholeness in body, mind and spirit is that which heals the heart. Beyond high cholesterol and blood pressure levels, […]
Qigong for a healthy life
April 12, 2012
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by Sheila Eastman — What if you had a self-healing tool at your fingertips that you could use every day to put your mind, body and spirit in a great place? This tool would help you quiet your mind for clarity, improve memory and ease decision making. This self-healing tool is qigong, pronounced “chee-gong.” There […]
The breath of life
February 26, 2012
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by Kathy Watson — The simple act of breathing is a universal experience. It is the key to every part of our being and doing — from effective physical exercise to taking time to truly relax from stressful schedules. And yet for humans, particularly in the modern world, breathing can be one of the most […]
The benefits of abdominal breathing
February 25, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Warner — We all breathe. Adults take anywhere from 17,000 to 30,000 breaths a day, on average, most of the time without even realizing they are doing it. That said, you will probably be surprised to learn that most people actually do not breathe correctly, at least not on a consistent basis. […]
December 14, 2014
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