by John English — Editor’s Note: This is the second in a four-part series on the directions of the medicine wheel in Incan shamanism. The student of Incan shamanism begins with the serpent path in the south, where she or he sheds their past and programming like the serpent sheds her skin. The west direction […]
Tag Archives: karma
Are your relationships a foggy reflection?
September 2, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — Relationships come in all forms, sizes, shapes and time frames. Relationships can be defined as personal — family, extended family, adopted family and significant others, romantic or not. Relationships can also be described as professional- or business-related — career, position, title and degree. Every relationship can be defined in some way, […]
Karma, service and forgiveness: Life’s golden keys
August 12, 2013
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by Master Ximena Gavino — Millions of people are searching for knowledge, wisdom and practices to transform their physical and spiritual journeys. Everyone wishes to be happier, healthier, rejuvenated and successful in every aspect of life, including relationships and finances. Thousands of books, articles, seminars and workshops teach methods for accomplishing this. By the time […]
Forgiveness — the great karma cleanser
December 17, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — When I was a boy, I was quite the troublemaker. I would invite my more demonic friends over for a Saturday afternoon of creative hell-raising, and we would go downstairs into the recreation room. I would tell my parents we were playing Monopoly, or some other innocent activity. We then proceeded […]
Can healers also enlighten?
December 1, 2012
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by Gregory M. Scott — Sartori, Samadi, Jivan Mukti, Sehaj, Deeksha, God realization and enlightenment — how do these “higher states” relate to the practical, day-to-day healing concerns we all have? Is it possible for your next step to improve your health and your spiritual life? Researchers around the world are interested in the body’s […]
Holding higher ground
November 21, 2012
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by John English — Let’s face it — there are a lot of things happening in our world today, and for those of us who have made the decision to live a spiritual life, this presents certain challenges. The massive spiritual awakening that was foretold by prophets from several cultures and across the ages appears […]
Getting Grounded
November 15, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Being grounded means being real, honest, authentic and present. It is having the ability to see things as they are and get on with life without needless strife or heartache. Many who need grounding are unaware of their need. Here is a short quiz about groundedness: 1. Do you […]
A reference point — the real point of the past
March 5, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — What happens if the power of now is based on the “then?” Then what happens? The evidence is overwhelming that history repeats itself over and over again. So, how can we live in the now if so much of it is based upon what happened previously? It is not that this […]
Creating peace
March 5, 2012
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by Josephine M. Joseph — To create peace on Earth we must give and live from the heart. We are one mind, one heart and one life. There is one God, many religions and one truth. Peace comes from accepting all things, as they are. We are born free to choose our paths, as we, […]
Zero karma
February 26, 2012
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by Kimberly Kingsley — Many of us believe in ome sort of karma, but what is it really? Karma is nothing more than residue from past and present attachments, which develop when we attempt to procure energy from somewhere other than our own essence. We never need to “get” energy; we have an unending source […]
Cause and Effect
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — This article is about one of the most basic laws operating on planet Earth, that of cause and effect. In the karmic sense, the law of cause and effect states that all of our thoughts, words and deeds have far-reaching consequences that, over time, come back to us in reciprocal […]
September 9, 2013
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