by Paula Owens —

Consume an appropriate amount of filtered water daily. Your body is 85 percent water, and physiologically water works as a catalyst to most functions within the body.
There are 116 synthetic compounds lurking in the body of each average American, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are exposed to toxins from various sources such as food additives and preservatives, dry cleaners, digestive distress, nonorganic foods, our environment, synthetic supplements, pesticides and chemicals.
What you must realize is that all toxins brought into your body have to be processed by your liver. Toxins are stored in the fat cells. It is difficult to lose body fat if you are on toxic overload and your liver is congested.
If you want to change your body shape and feel on top of your game, implement the following detox tips into your lifestyle:
• Eliminate refined sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, soda, processed wheat and dairy products, gluten, table salt, processed soy and hydrogenated trans fats. Most of these cause stress to the body and create dysfunction, stimulating fat-storing hormones which equals added body weight.
• Do not starve yourself. Stay away from anything called a diet. Healthy eating is a lifestyle for health, vitality, longevity and fat loss. Diets are a major stressor to the body, causing a damaged metabolism, hormonal disruption, muscle loss and fat storage.
• Stop drinking coffee and alcohol. Drink more organic green tea, preferably before 1 p.m. Also, include detox teas, such as Pau ‘d Arco and dandelion tea.
• Eat small mini-meals every three to four hours. Always eat a breakfast that includes an organic protein source and healthy fats. Include plenty of organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Consume an appropriate amount of filtered water daily. Your body is 85 percent water, and physiologically water works as a catalyst to most functions within the body. Add the juice from a whole lemon and/or lime. Bodyweight times 0.7 equals the number of ounces you should consume daily.
• Practice yoga or qigong, bounce on a rebounder, walk briskly or do any workout that cleanses the body of toxins. Practice at least two to five minutes of deep, full diaphragmatic belly breathing daily.
• Do not eat after 8 p.m. Night is the time for your body to rest and detox, not to digest your food. Eating before bedtime disrupts sleep, creates digestive distress and minimizes your production of growth hormone.
• Keep a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking around the same time: optimally asleep by 10 p.m., awake by 6 a.m. The body repairs physically and psychologically at night during sleep. This is a time for your body to balance hormones, repair tissues and regenerate. If you are highly physical, more sleep may be needed.
• Detox your mind. Your thoughts are the most powerful way to maintain health and well-being, and to heal the body. Turn off the news, generate positive emotions and thoughts, and practice affirmations daily.
• Surround yourself with like-minded people. Form win-win relationships. Determine who is trustworthy and displays character traits of integrity, honesty and authenticity. Dissolve those relationships that no longer serve you in a positive light and enjoy relationships that feed your soul and make you feel good.
• Keep a food journal for one week. Research shows that people who journal what they eat tend to lose twice as many pounds and make healthier food choices.
• Reward yourself. Allow time to rest without feeling guilty. Give yourself daily sunshine. Indulge in a long Epsom salts bath with a relaxing essential oil such as lavender. Schedule a massage or sauna. Listen to your intuition and give your body, mind and soul the support they need.
• Express gratitude every day and be authentic.
Benefits of a detox
- Cleans the digestive tract of accumulated waste and fermenting bacteria
- Clears excess mucous and congestion from the body
- Decreases pain, muscle aches and inflammation
- Eliminates cravings
- Enhances mental clarity (which is impossible under chemical overload)
- Eliminates bloating
- Creates healthier, younger looking skin
- Improves sleep
- Increases energy
- Decreases dependence on sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol or drugs, including OTC
- Lowers triglycerides • Begets new ways of thinking
- Results in normal, daily bowel movements
- Reduces migraines and headaches
- Alleviates digestive complaints
- Helps shed unwanted weight
- Turns unhealthy eating habits around so that the stomach can reduce to normal size.
- Makes you feel better than you have felt in years!
Paula Owens holds a master’s degree in holistic nutrition and a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. She is the author of The Power of 4: Your Ultimate Guide, Guaranteed to Change Your Body and Transform Your Life. 480-706-1158, [email protected] or
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 3, Jun/July 2009.
February 29, 2012
Bodywork, Environment, Exercise, Food, Health, Stress, Weight issues