by Cory Lemberger — Have fun! Really enjoy what you do, because stress is dangerous to your fragile, healthy cells. The following hints are general health recommendations. Your own health requirements may differ, so make sure to consult your health care provider to determine what is right for you. • Keep your energetic pathways clear […]
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Why Rofling®? Some questions and answers
March 3, 2013
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by Deanna Melnychuk — Although rolfing is a modality that has been in use for years, misperceptions still abound. The following are answers to commonly asked questions about rolfing. Q: Is rolfing important for everyone or does it only benefit those who have been in an accident or had surgery? A: While rolfing is extremely […]
Forgiveness: The key to an empowered life
March 2, 2013
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by Tammy Holmes — A Course in Miracles defines the term “forgive” as meaning “to let go.” Forgiveness enables one to move forward and live an empowered life. To forgive is equal to claiming freedom — the freedom to be who we are and to live the life we were meant to live. To forgive […]
The straw that broke the camel’s back — Principles of manual therapy
March 1, 2013
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by Tony Liker — Many people experience back and/or neck pain. The apparent causes vary widely — sports injuries, automobile accidents, falls, lifting, bending, etc. Yet, each person has his or her own unique history of injury, trauma and stress underlying the apparent cause. Each time the body sustains a stress or injury, tension may […]
Priorities for peace of mind
February 13, 2013
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by Ada Porat — The busier our lives become, the more important it is to have crystal-clear priorities in order to stay on track. Clear priorities require an understanding that our source of happiness and fulfillment comes not from the world around us, but from the animating spark of divinity within each of us. Even […]
The psychology of emotional eating
February 8, 2013
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by James McClernan — Sensual in taste, texture, aroma and visual appeal, food can be as difficult to resist as alcohol, drugs or smoking are to addicts, particularly when one is under stress or any type of emotional pressure. Unlike alcohol and drugs, however, food can always be justified as necessary for life. The conditioning […]
Living or life-ing?
February 2, 2013
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by Susan Torres — We all have our routines and follow them faithfully in our daily lives, so much so that we have become like robots. Life has become a habit and we are in drive mode. Heaven forbid something or someone should toss a wrench into this fine-tuned agenda, throwing us for a loop […]
How hypnosis can help with childbirth
January 25, 2013
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by Sara L. Payne — The fear of a painful childbirth that most women face today started long ago with the “Curse of Eve.” This belief that labor must be a painful experience has become embedded in many cultures — particularly in the Western world — across the centuries. But contrary to centuries of cultural […]
Why diets backfire
January 21, 2013
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by Michelle May, M.D. — We are bombarded with information about eating right and exercising, but millions still battle their weight. Diets often impose food rules that most people do not, cannot or should not follow for very long. Diet experts recommend counting calories, servings or points. Some diets require you to eat pre-packaged meals […]
Inner knowing
January 18, 2013
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by Cory Lemberger — The answer to finding balance in life with a more complete mind-body-spirit connection, finding more joy in relationships and finding peace in daily life, is truly pretty simple. The answer to this whole balanced-life question is clear, because you already have the answer. As a reader of AZNetNews, you are most […]
Falling off the balance beam
January 17, 2013
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by Dr. Tom Stempel — We often hear people say, “I feel out of balance.” Usually they are referring to spiritual or emotional feelings, but if you observe them closely, you can often see that the emotional or spiritual imbalance also causes them to be out of balance physically. Tight neck or shoulder muscles may […]
What is clinical hypnotherapy?
January 14, 2013
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by Jo Johnston, Ph.D. — The powers of hypnotism, an altered state of consciousness, have fascinated humans since the beginning of time, and were recognized by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese and by native tribes in all parts of the world. The phenomenon we know as hypnosis has been, and still is, called by many […]
I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress
January 11, 2013
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by Irene Conlan — “I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress,” he said. “I read about it in magazines and the newspaper; they talk about it on the radio and on TV. That’s all they talk about at work. Stress, stress, stress. So what’s the big deal?” He had come for hypnotherapy because he […]
March 4, 2013
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