Why we fail to achieve our life goals by Dr. Larry F. Waldman — Despite our dreams, many of us fail to achieve our life ambitions. Many clients talk about starting a business, becoming financially independent, writing a novel, traveling, furthering their education, getting physically fit or becoming a nurse, teacher or lawyer. Their objectives […]
Tag Archives: goals
Could past lives be key to present goals?
August 23, 2014
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Could past lives be key to present goals? by StevieAnne Petitt — We have all likely heard the phrase: Hindsight is 20/20. That is, with the knowledge we have gained over time, past decisions could have been made with much more wisdom, thus resulting in better outcomes. Perhaps, in the field of hypnotherapy and its […]
The Love Tetra
September 3, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — This article is about balancing your life with the love tetra — four qualities of action that, when done in a balanced way, can lead to greater happiness and better health. The word tetra means four and is short for tetrahedron, which is a geometric solid with four sides and […]
What is your soul’s intention?
August 3, 2013
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by Sandy Jones — When we think about the word intention, what comes to mind? Setting goals? Creating something? Putting a message out to the universe so that it will return in a manifested form? That sounds about right. But, what are intentions anyway? And more to the point, what are your intentions? Intention, by […]
Thrive in the New Year
February 15, 2013
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Thrive in the New Year by Dr. Larry Wilson — The end of the year can be a time of rebirth and renewal. Some people also believe that, according to the Mayan calendar, December 22, 2012, is the end of an age or the beginning of a new stage of life on earth. Here are […]
Clearing out the weight
September 10, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — From time to time, people get that urge to do some cleaning and clearing out — not only in their homes, but in their lives as well. Do you feel surrounded by clutter? Is it getting a little too dusty in your world? Sometimes people discover that when they begin to […]
Aligning with greatness: the energy of success
August 17, 2012
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by Dawn Fleming — Everything has energy; even words and thoughts do, which create our responses to the world. Taking this principle further, the need to compare ourselves or measure up to others can create profoundly negative energy that affects our ability to succeed. Aligning with our greatness requires that we release this need to […]
Where did the time go?
August 11, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Do you sometimes wonder why your life is run by your day planner, calendar or someone else’s schedule? You have too much time, not enough time or too little time. Where did the time go and, my, how time flies! What is this thing called time? Is it real or is […]
Planting the seeds for a stronger family
August 11, 2012
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by Lesli Gee — With today’s crazy schedules, most families are beyond tired. They are exhausted from the morning carpool rush, the back-to-back meetings, the barrage of emails, texts and tweets, and the chauffeuring of overscheduled kids to triple-booked activities. Then there is the rush to pick up dinner, the struggles over homework and the […]
Making decisions without fear
August 3, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Nothing inhibits your ability to move forward in life as much as fear — the fear of making decisions, the fear of failure and even the fear of success. It may sound surprising, but what is needed is not to remove the fear, but to find the tools for sound decision-making […]
Ambivalence: the Universe and the Multiverse
March 1, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Wishy-washy; on the fence; cannot make up your mind; what to do, what to do? This is a form of procrastination and the things you say when you are unsure of yourself. In turn, you are also telling the Universe, as well as the multi-faceted Multiverse (the aggregate of all existing […]
Plant your “seeds” this spring
March 1, 2012
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by Jacquelyn Lee Clark — Spring is almost here, bringing with it a beautiful renewed energy, full of new beginnings and space for change or rebirth. The sun begins to warm the earth, bringing fresh new ground and opportunities, not only for nature, but also for the human spirit. As the flowers begin to bloom, […]
Planning your fat-loss success by shopping smart
February 27, 2012
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by MyrnaLynn — We all know the saying: If we fail to plan, we are planning to fail. Following are five quick tips to help dieters accomplish their goals. 1. Plan your fat-loss success. We plan the time we get up, what we are going to wear, the appointments we need to make and even […]
March 3, 2015
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