by Paula Owens —
The average American has 116 synthetic compounds in his body, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are exposed to toxins from various sources such as food additives and preservatives, dry cleaners, digestive distress, nonorganic foods, the environment, poor quality supplements, pesticides, chemicals, xenoestrogens and so much more.
Toxins are stored in fat cells. All toxins brought into your body have to be processed by the liver. Toxic overload and a congested liver make it difficult to lose body fat. Detoxing equals decreased inflammation, which results in decreased body fat.
If you want to change your body, and feel and look your best, try implementing the following simple and easy detox tips.
- Consume an appropriate amount of filtered water daily. Your body is 85 percent water and water works as a catalyst to most functions within your body. Water is also important for eliminating toxins. Add the juice from a fresh lemon and/or lime for taste.
- Eliminate refined sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, soda, processed wheat, pasteurized dairy products, gluten, table salt, processed soy and hydrogenated trans fats. Most of these products cause stress to your body and create dysfunction, disease and stimulate fat-storing hormones, which equals added body weight.
- Avoid all artificial sweeteners such as NutraSweet®, Equal®, Splenda® and aspartame. Instead, use stevia, an herb that will not elevate blood sugars and has zero calories.
Side effects from artificial sweeteners include: increased risk of heart disease, bloating and edema, headaches, rashes and hives, cravings, weight gain, and predisposition to Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, brain seizures and cancer.
- Stay away from anything called a diet. Diets are a major stressor to your body that destroy your metabolism and create hormonal disruption, muscle loss, fat storage and added weight gain once you discontinue the diet. Healthy eating is a lifestyle that brings vitality, longevity and fat loss.
- Opt for organic foods over commercial, nonorganic foods that are full of antibiotics, pesticides, chemicals and xenoestrogens. Only consume grass-fed, free-range animal protein and eggs.
- Consume less alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption disrupts your blood sugar and your hormones, plus adds inches to your waistline.
- Drink more organic green tea. Also, include detox teas such as Pau d’Arco and dandelion.
- Practice yoga or qigong, bounce on a rebounder, take brisk walks, lift weights or perform any workout that cleanses the body of toxins. Rebounding on a mini trampoline is extremely beneficial for every cell and organ in your body. Bouncing just a few minutes daily flushes the lymphatic system and boosts the immune system.
- Eat small meals every three or four hours. Always eat breakfast that includes an organic protein source and healthy fats. Individuals who consume a diet deficient in protein have trouble detoxifying environmental toxins/pollutantsYour brain chemistry is made up of amino acids. Disrupted brain chemistry causes depression and anxiety versus feelings of calm, happiness and clear thinking. Include plenty of organically grown fresh fruits and more vegetables. Add variety. Consider fresh vegetable juices.
- Practice at least two to five minutes of deep, full-diaphragmatic, belly breathing daily. Deep breathing is the source of all energy in your body and brings about the release of endorphins that will make you feel happy. Without sufficient oxygen, cells begin to die and energy cannot be sufficiently produced.
Benefits of deep breathing include: toxin elimination, lower stress, increased energy, composed mind, improved mood, enhanced appearance and physiological changes on a cellular level.
- Stop eating after 8 p.m. Nighttime is when your body should rest and detox, not digest food. Eating before bedtime disrupts sleep patterns, creates digestive distress and minimizes the production of growth hormone.
- Get quality sleep. Keep a regular schedule, going to bed and waking around the same time. Optimally, this means that you are asleep by 10 p.m. and awake by 6 a.m. The body repairs itself physically and psychologically during sleep; this is the time for balancing hormones, repairing tissues and regeneration. If you are very physically active, more sleep may be needed.
- Ditch the toxic cleaning products and switch to more natural products such as white vinegar and baking soda.
- Detox your mind. Your thoughts are the most powerful way to maintain health and well-being and to heal your body. Turn off the news. Minimize time spent with energy vampires. Generate positive emotions and thoughts. This is key to detoxifying your mind. Practice affirmations daily. Write five things you are grateful for daily in your gratitude journal. Also, express your gratitude every day. Be authentic.
- Surround yourself with like-minded people. Form win-win relationships. Determine who is trustworthy and displays character traits of integrity, honesty and authenticity. Dissolve those relationships that no longer serve you in a positive light, and enjoy relationships that nourish your soul and make you feel good.
- Keep a food journal for one week. Research shows that people who journal what they eat tend to lose twice as many pounds and make healthier food choices.
- Reward yourself. Allow time to rest without feeling guilty. Give yourself a daily dose of sunshine for vitamin D absorption. Indulge in a warm bath with Epsom salts and a relaxing essential oil such as lavender. Dry brush your skin prior to your shower. Schedule a massage or sauna. Listen to your gut (intuition) and give your body, mind and soul the support it needs.
Benefits of a detox include:
- Cleans your digestive tract of accumulated waste and fermenting bacteria
- Clears excess mucous and congestion from your body
- Decreases pain, muscle aches and inflammation
- Eliminates cravings
- Enhances mental clarity, which is impossible under chemical overload
- Eliminates bloating
- Promotes healthier, younger-looking skin
- Improves sleep
- Increases energy
- Reduces dependency on sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and drugs (including over-the-counter drugs)
- Lowers triglycerides
- Promotes new ways of thinking
- Brings about normal, daily bowel movements
- Reduces migraines and headaches
- Ends digestive complaints
- Sheds unwanted weight
- Corrects unhealthy eating habits
- Makes you feel better than you have felt in years
Everyone can benefit from a detox; so why not start now?
Paula Owens, M.S., is a nutritionist, a multi-certified fitness expert and holistic health practitioner with more than 20 years of experience. She is the author of The Power of 4 and the creator of 21 Days to a Leaner, Healthier You, an online exercise and weight-loss program.
Reprinted from AZNetNews, Volume 30, Number 4, Aug/Sept. 2011.
February 23, 2012
Detox, Diet, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Healing, Health, Peace / peace of mind, Serenity, Weight issues