Using positive focus for great results

The vibrational power of words and thoughts powerfully affects your experience of life.

by Ada Porat — 

Is there a situation or circumstance in your life that you would like to turn around? By focusing the power of your thoughts, you can accomplish amazing outcomes.

The vibrational power of words and thoughts powerfully affects your experience of life. Science shows that all mental states are accompanied by vibration and that vibration attracts to it external conditions that resonate with its inherent frequency.

Your emotions, thoughts and words set into motion the energy to deliberately draw resonant outcomes to you from a field of infinite probabilities. All creation starts with thoughts such as: I think I will plant a garden or I think I will go back to school.

That thought acts like a blueprint; it creates an image of the form, which then, through emotion, directs energy to flow into that form until it eventually manifests on the physical plane.

By focusing on a thought through visualization and affirmation, you set into motion a laser beam of focused energy to attract the desired outcome. Visualization and affirmation are techniques used very successfully by athletes to focus their energy and improve their performance.

We tend to focus our attention on the outcomes we desire in life — healthy relationships, joyful work and so on. Does this mean you have to deny the presence of the opposite outcomes you do not want? Not at all. In the world of duality, polarity is necessary for us to exercise our freedom to choose.

You do not have to resist anything; you simply choose to focus on your chosen desire. In so doing, you set into motion the power of intention to change or heal whatever it is you desire.

Intention is a powerful force for healing and manifestation. The power of your intention carries energy forward and attracts people, situations and synchronicities to actualize the desired outcome. Imagine using the power of intention to draw to you clients who can benefit from your skills, friendships you are ready to enjoy and opportunities where you can be of service. This principle can turn your life around!

Intentions need to be fine-tuned to increase the power of the process. If you do not like the results you are getting, then refine your requests to match exactly how you want the outcome to look. This dynamic process will ensure that the resulting experience matches your evolving thought process or intention.

You are much more powerful than you know. Your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs have an immediate, scientifically provable effect on your world. Because the body is electrical and each cell in the body has a positive and negative charge, you are magnetically charged with the energy vibrations of your thoughts.

Thoughts magnetize an energy field around you. You can tap into this power consciously. Instead of existing in a frequency of fear, lack and limitation, you can interrupt habitual thinking with: How would I prefer it to be? or What would be a better way?

Once you identify and release the blocks that keep you stuck in limited thinking, you can decide to believe differently about old FEAR (a.k.a. False Evidence Appearing Real).

You can consciously choose to focus your mind on the outcomes you choose, rather than on the ones you fear. Then, do not be surprised at how quickly life responds by manifesting your chosen outcomes.


Ada Porat is an energy kinesiologist and life coach who facilitates personal development through integration of body, mind and spirit. 602-283-4628 or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2010.

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